MR Falcon Spring for Display


Sr Member
I'm wondering about the spring needed for the display of the MR Falcon. The Falcon I've got was missing the spring and seeing as how the instructions give a caution to make sure the spring is in place before displaying, I want to make sure I get one.

I wanted to see if someone either had an extra they could pass along or could recommend a place to help me find a replacement if it's a common size.

Any help is welcomed!
-B89! :D
I'm wondering about the spring needed for the display of the MR Falcon. The Falcon I've got was missing the spring and seeing as how the instructions give a caution to make sure the spring is in place before displaying, I want to make sure I get one.

I wanted to see if someone either had an extra they could pass along or could recommend a place to help me find a replacement if it's a common size.

Any help is welcomed!
-B89! :D

Considering how much it costs for one of these, I would make MR replace the missing piece.

If they refuse, then they would only be showing what poor-quality, money-grubbing bastards they are...
I put the spring down someplace and after over an hour of looking I gave up, I rechecked the box twice, I'm sure my blasted puppy did something with it?

I dont have the spring for mine and it display's just fine.
:lol Darn that puppy!

Can u or someone post a pic of thiers with a few speccs like size and if it's heavy, medium weight wire that it's made from so I can try to find a suitable substitute?

-B89! :D
You may still want to find the spring. I think it helps in making electrical contact. There was someone on Rebelscum who had problems with their Falcon lighting. They discovered the spring was missing after they'd moved it, and once they put it back in, it worked fine.
Try contacting MR, they may be able to help ya. I would post a picture of mine, but right now I'm feeling way too drunk and lazy to lift a pencil, much less my Falcon! :lol:
You may still want to find the spring. I think it helps in making electrical contact. There was someone on Rebelscum who had problems with their Falcon lighting. They discovered the spring was missing after they'd moved it, and once they put it back in, it worked fine.

Yup. Friend of mine had a similar problem and the spring was the solution
Thought I would bump this back up to see if I can find any leads to score one for my Falcon. I've not gotten anywhere with contacting Master Replicas so if anyone here can help with specs of the spring or an extra one they can part with, please let me know.

-B89! :D
Funny this came up. I didn't get a spring with mine and found a nice little spring at work. I put it in but it didn't seem to make a difference. My cockpit isn't lighting anymore nor is my port headlight.:cry