MR communicator Moire problem

SSgt Burton

Sr Member
So the moire on my MR communicator just stopped working.

Is there anything I can do to fix it? Is this a common problem? Is it toast?

Should I hit it with a hammer? :unsure

It may be a problem with the grease on the gears inside the motor. They packed a lot of grease on the gears inside the motor so that it would not make too much noise, but as the grease gets old, it stiffens up. This happend to one of mine and someone on one of boards said to try opeing up the Moire motor and cleaning the grease off of the gears and putting new grease on.

Of course, the motor itself may be toast and in that case, your only option is to replace the motor, either with an old MR motor or one out of a Star Trek Experience Comm.
I can hook you up with a ST:TE motor if you need it, just let me know. I disassembled one for the lid but I don't need the rest.
I had a similar problem, I just kept activating it and it started spinning again. An RPF member who is a watch maker had offered to repair it prior to it fixing itself. He may chime in here. If it is warm where you are, leave it in the sun a little to heat up and try activating it alot.
Thanks for the tips guys! :thumbsup

Robn1- thanks for the offer. I'll keep it in mind should every I try fails first.

Okay guys looks like I pulled the fire alarm a little early-

I opened up the back of the communicator (the back piece under the outer casing) and activated the communicator with the two halves separated.

The moire started working properly. I suppose it just became stuck for whatever reason. After carefully putting it back together it seems to be working fine now. :)

Thanks again for all the advice guys! :thumbsup
