MR AT-AT Signature edition question


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I just scored one of these for fairly cheap ($600 shipped) off ebay and was wondering: are the snow effects easily removable on it?

I'd like to customize it a bit but I wonder if those "snow" (looks more like whiteout to me) effects are a beyaitch to get off. :angry

Thanks in advance!

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Man, I would so not do that if I were you. But if you do, tread lightly. Those bases are fragile. Not meant to be altered so severely. Also, I'm not 100% sure, but the model's feet may not rest correctly on a flat base, so ask around.

Man, I would so not do that if I were you. But if you do, tread lightly. Those bases are fragile. Not meant to be altered so severely. Also, I'm not 100% sure, but the model's feet may not rest correctly on a flat base, so ask around.


Actually I meant the snow effects on the actual AT-AT. I love the snow base they used but the snow effects on the AT-AT are sorta...gloopish (is that word?)

Sorry for the confusion. :)

Ugh... :unsure

Oh well....I see why alot of people prefer the v1 of it. But, yeah, I saw that page. I guess he was pretty disappointed with what MR did with his paint master.


Hehe Moff IS that person.... ;)

(shrugs shoulders) whattya gonna do, you know? It's the factory and if you don't ride them with quality control checks, things happen. Heck, even when you are "ever vigilant", stuff gets changed on you. But yes, I'd recommend the V1 - a lot easier to add snow to that one than remove it from the V2!!
Just fyi: I removed my v2 from the snow base and remounted it to a flat 1/2" black base. No problems at all. It's perfectly solid.
When I read these threads I feel so fortunate with the quality of the paint and weathering on my MR ATAT ver 1- SS Enterprise- and Falcon.