Movies that make you cry.

Captain America: The First Avenger - the ending when he puts Peggy’s picture in front of him and decides to take the plane down. The look of both conviction and fear on his face gets to me.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier – Peggy Carter Alzheimer’s scene of course, and “I’m with you till the end of the line.”
Guardians the Galaxy – “We are Groot.”, Awesome Mix Vol 2, dancing baby Groot
Star Wars: The Force Awakens – multiple instances
Captain America: The First Avenger - the ending when he puts Peggy’s picture in front of him and decides to take the plane down. The look of both conviction and fear on his face gets to me.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier – Peggy Carter Alzheimer’s scene of course, and “I’m with you till the end of the line.”
Guardians the Galaxy – “We are Groot.”, Awesome Mix Vol 2, dancing baby Groot
Star Wars: The Force Awakens – multiple instances

We are Groot genuinely tugged at my heart-strings. I was in the theater with my coworker like "BE A MAN, JOSH! You better not shed a tear! You will never live it down at work!"... so I didn't cry, but just barely.
Captain America: The First Avenger - the ending when he puts Peggy’s picture in front of him and decides to take the plane down. The look of both conviction and fear on his face gets to me.

That has been a little ruined for me by the How It Should Have Ended video. I can't even think about that scene now without thinking of superman and Batman in a diner singing the old captain America theme song.
That has been a little ruined for me by the How It Should Have Ended video. I can't even think about that scene now without thinking of superman and Batman in a diner singing the old captain America theme song.
Fortunately I haven't seen that one. Now I won't.
I don't think anything will ever match the emotional roller-coaster "Schindler's List" put me through.
That movie destroyed me.
Shindler's list left me an emotional wreck and does every time I see it.

If we are talking TV I would say Doctor Who episode The Family of Blood when the Soldier is at the remembrance day as an old man and see's The Doctor and Martha.

FFS, just typing about it done me!!!! :cry
How about just plain depressing? I just got the disc of Roger Water's The Wall. The one where the stage is like three hundred yards wide.

I love The Wall, but I don't know why, every couple of years I force myself to sit through it. *****, that is a depressing masterpiece!!
Definitely Bruce Wayne's funerals in The Dark Knight Rises, especially Michael Cane's speech ! With that said, curiously, when I'm eating dinner while watching TV, I'm much more prone to feel the tears rising for some reason. But the same scene when I'm not eating might do nothing for me.
I don't cry very often during movies, but "Schindler's List" put me on the verge of tears when I watched it. I don't think I could watch it a second time.
In addition to all the sad, depressing scenes making me cry as well as certain types of YouTube videos (most especially where military members are reunited with family after coming home from deployment... Dear GOD it's like the waterworks get turned on full blast for those), I often find myself crying at the scenes where copious amounts of asskicking are about to commence.

Most recently, Wonder Woman did it for me:

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The interviews with the soldiers from Easy company before episodes of Band of Brothers would start. I swear to god, the one where the real Dick Winters tears up makes me cry every damn time. WW2 stuff gets me though. But those interviews. Whew.

When I saw Old Yeller when I was a kid, I cried my head off too. Also, tried not to tear up at Yondu's funeral.....totally failed.
First one to really make me cry was Toy Story 3's ending. 50/50 with Joseph Gordon Levitt's breakdown scene had me too. Then, it was the death of Gwen Stacy in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (I love Emma Stone), then Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. with Yondu's sacrifice. And finally, Tom Holland's really great acting in the "stuck in rubble" scene from Spider-Man: Homecoming really convinced me that he was just a kid and he was completely helpless, I really felt for him.
King of Kings
The Passion of the ******
Field of Dreams
Dances with Wolves
Grave of the Fireflies .... the scores have a lot to answer for too
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