More Site Modifications

Art Andrews

Community Owner
Community Staff
This is just a note to let you know we are continuing to try to make the site run faster and more efficiently and trying to eliminate the stalling problems some of you have been experiencing recently. With that in mind, we have implemented a site-wide caching rule that set images to expire after a certain amount of time as well as numerous other server optimizations. These set the expires headers for images, and set some cache-control headers as well.

So, what should you see differently? Not much. But hopefully it will help things run a bit faster.

With that being said, any time a change is implemented, there is the possibility of conflicts, so if you see any issues over the next few days/weeks, especially in regard to images, please PM us and let us know immediately! Thanks!
Just wanted to make a note that we have removed the 20+ social bookmarks at the bottom of each thread cut them down to just 5 and integrated them into the threads themselves. As previously, these links will not show up for threads in non-public forums so content that is not intended for non-member consumption can't easily be bookmarked.