Moldy Crow size?

Sluis Van Shipyards

Legendary Member
I posted this at SSM, but figured I'd see what opinions you guys had too. Does anyone have any ideas on the correct size of the Moldy Crow? Official sources say 19m long, but I skimmed through a discussion from where people think it's more like 10m, around the size of a Y-Wing. If you look at the cutscenes from Dark Force 2: Jedi Knight, it is clearly not 19m long. When Kyle and Jan are shown in the cockpit they are sitting one right behind the other. There also another scene of them standing outside the Crow and the cockpit isn't as large as a 19m long variant. Then if you go back to Dark Forces whenever the Crow was hovering over head at the end of the mission it was more fighter sized. I just wanted to see if anyone had a good idea of the real size before I start blundering through the process of figuring it out.
I don't think Yann would care about a meter more or less. (Nor did Justin Chin apparently..)
Its a baddass ship anyways.
Yeah, sad that they replaced it with that crappy podracing looking ship in the other games.

:lol Yeah when that came out I thought it looked like a podracer rear-ended the Crow. At SSM they're saying the official size was actually 29m and it's more like 18.5m.
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