MIB help, Coyle neuralyzer kit info . . .

Rhett J Martin

Sr Member
I recently dug out this kit in anticipation of receving my Cricket, and wanted to ask if anyone could point me in the direction of assembly instructions for the Nueralyzer.

racprop does respond to PM's.
Kalkamel was recently asking about how to take apart the neuralyzer.. I have one too so I helped him take it apart.

In our discussion - racprop responded to kalkamel's PM and sent him this.. they're just pictures of the neuralyzer disassembled..


hope that helps..
Actually I emailed Rich Coyle and he was kind enough to give me that link. It mainly deals with how to change the battery in the Flashy Thing (there's an instructional rtf file in that directory).
Can you post a picture of what you got. I assembled 2 SD Studio,s ones without instuctions. A freind has one of Richard's. Surely we all can help figure it out.
Sorry do not get here often.

Email get much better answers.

I don't remember selling any as kits, I think you got one that was taken apart.

I think I was asked for some as kits and sold a couple to a frainds, but never did a instruction book.

The battery change link is the closes to it.

It's okay. While very, very beautiful and well made, I went ahead and sold it off. While I'm getting better at this, I'm just not at that point to do a full light setup in something that small. Oh well . . . Thanks though!!