Meet the Dragonfly class Hvy Tender: Agro

Here we are (sorry for tha bad English)
What I think it's good...

And what I think it's bad...

I hope this helps... :)
Thank you for your detailed input..

I can see that the framing 'ribs' stands out starkly while still white. The triangular stock I am using for framing was concived as a hardened waveguides for a rudmentery elecrtomagnetic 'sheild'. It also helps to 'tie' kitbashed parts into modules - you know the disparate parts from different models. The pieces you show on the 'cheek' are the bridge from the "Ent. NX-01"; window from "Airwolf"; engine cowling from a "Defiant" and the venting 'grin' is 3.2mm triangular stock and, of course, putty. The ribbing will be painted chrome black in the final painting scheme - maybe that will help from your perspective. We'll see.

The forced parts are suposed top look ... well, forced - it is after-market additions after all, lol. I know - I haven't given too much back story on this craft, so you didn't know my intent.

I was thinking about having fixed wings for the front, but the tug aspect of the vessel sorta pulled me in the direction of having a larger number of thrust soloutions. About different wings ... could not find any that tweaked my "Yeah" button ... and I have hundreds {if not thousands} of model bits. So I opted to alter each set slightly - mayby I need to make it a little more clear.

You are totally right about the bridge - it has been giving me artistic fits from the beginning - how to make it look LESS like the F-117 canopy, How to make to look scaled 'prop'erly et al... I think I actually am comfortable with the 'diving hawk' look of the latest one. I suppose it could look like a rising Phoenix.

Anyhoo, I thank you again for your input. It does really help.

The Agro is a test model for a proposed movie and I know {as a TechnoPhile} the ships in a film are as important as the characters. And that includes the backstory of the vessel as well. It does really help to get honest input.

Now, back to enginerring a fugly ship one could come to love... ;)

Ah! I found a pic that should make the Dragon part of DragonFly apparent ...


You KNOW who it is... if the pic shows - if not right click on the box and hit 'Show Picture' and see if that works.
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