Master Replicas style sticker for Han Solo blaster scope


Sr Member
Hello guys.

Do you know if it's possible to buy somewhere, those kind of Master Replicas stickers to put on a Han blaster scope eventually please ?

Thank you very much.

Blasterfactory sells one. I would bet someone on Etsy does.
Don’t buy recticles from bf. Those specific recticles I shared with him a long time ago but they are free if you simply google the image. Google “star wars recticles”. Someone (I cant remember who) created them for everyone to use free of charge.. from there print them up at your local Kinko’s (or equivalent) in a clear sheet and you’re good to go..
I think I won't buy from Blaster factory as it costs $42 to ship 2 reticles to France !!!

So I found some files on Google as you said and I will see if I can buy some clear sticky sheets.

Thank you very much.
Don’t buy recticles from bf. Those specific recticles I shared with him a long time ago but they are free if you simply google the image. Google “star wars recticles”. Someone (I cant remember who) created them for everyone to use free of charge.. from there print them up at your local Kinko’s (or equivalent) in a clear sheet and you’re good to go.. View attachment 1718282
Thanks for the heads up,I thought of him as I bought his Greedo killer set,but yeah I’ll prolly make up my own sticker now!