Man of Steel (Pre-release)

Re: The Next Superman is

:lol :lol :lol Michael you kill me!!!!!!!!!!!

I was going to post:

THe next Superman is....already been talked about here(insert thread). Be careful Michael, if you keep beating me to these posts, then we will have to change it to being EvilRocketeered! :lol

Re: The Next Superman is

:lol :lol :lol Michael you kill me!!!!!!!!!!!

I was going to post:

THe next Superman is....already been talked about here(insert thread). Be careful Michael, if you keep beating me to these posts, then we will have to change it to being EvilRocketeered! :lol

:lol well, we have spelling nazis here....i guess i am the search button nazi...

he been ERocked!!
The Tudors is where he impressed me, actually. At first he was just an annoying cad, but his transformation towards the end of the show was pretty well done.
Re: The Next Superman is

Hmm... Maybe the RPF could introduce a pop-up window that would flash boldly after every 'first post' regarding a big nerd-news flash .... "We already know! -post here-".

5 bucks says that someone else will see this news for the first time a month from now and will post it here like it's new ;)
Yeah, I feel bad too...superman will be his only claim to fame and i doubt we will see him in any blockbuster roles...... i liked him a lot as superman and clark kent.....too bad the story and action were lacking.....bryan singer killed superman.......

i wonder who they will get to play Lex Luthor now....

Yeah, I feel bad about Routh also... He was a great superman (as a predecessor to Reeve, anyway).
It sucks that Singer cheesed it up so bad.

However, I don't think Routh is out of the game... he may not grab any huge roles for a while, but he has done solid work. For my generation anyway :unsure
(Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: Routh played one of the 'evil boyfriends', not one of the biggest roles in the world... but I enjoyed his character immensely.)
Routh is a bad actor - the only reason he was chosen was some felt he resembled Reeve. The screenplay was actually altered - scenes trimmed, dialogue edited out because he couldn't land the lines. Reeve was both - a great actor and looked the part - hopefully we'll get that from this new guy - I only wish they'd hired a different director.

Yeah, I feel bad about Routh also... He was a great superman (as a predecessor to Reeve, anyway).
It sucks that Singer cheesed it up so bad.

However, I don't think Routh is out of the game... he may not grab any huge roles for a while, but he has done solid work. For my generation anyway :unsure
(Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: Routh played one of the 'evil boyfriends', not one of the biggest roles in the world... but I enjoyed his character immensely.)

I think you mean successor instead of predecessor.

Routh also had a role in 12 episodes of Chuch. I just haven't liked him as an actor in anything I have seen him in.

I have not seen Cavill in anything, but to me he looks more like Superman than Routh.
Routh was very flat, like he is in everything he does. I'm glad they hired an actor this time around - I just wished they'd hired a real director to go with him! Cavill was pretty solid in the Count of Monte Cristo as Jim Caviezel's son. Also, if I like the suit in this one, I'd be excited to try it for Halloween one year. He looks like a cross between me and John Mayer.
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