Man of Steel (Pre-release)

Interesting... I don't think I've seen any of his acting work but he does look the part. I'm sure he'll bulk up for it and as long as he can do a good American accent, I imagine he'll do a good job.
Interesting... I don't think I've seen any of his acting work but he does look the part. I'm sure he'll bulk up for it and as long as he can do a good American accent, I imagine he'll do a good job.

Americans have accents?

I don't believe it.

I never heard of the guy, so for me all I will see up there is pure character.
He looks fine enough, assuming he pumps iron like a mofo, which I am sure is standard procedure for such a role.
So I do hope they establish a origin story, at least as a short recap in the beginning if not during the whole movie.

My understanding is that WB lost the rights to the origin story. They can make a Superman film, but they cannot include baby Kal-El, Jor-El, Krypton exploding, etc.

But since I didn't want another origins story, I'm not upset.

I assume the character can still say "father" and all that.
I think he'll make a great Superman. I haven't seen him in the Tudors, but I loved him in The Count of Monte Cristo (He was Albert Mon Dego.)
Poor Routh. He's a one shot, just like George Lazenby.

i thought it was this guy at first

He'd make a good Luthor.

But please no Luthor, AGAIN!
I feel really bad for him because to me he did nothing wrong as Superman

Yeah, I feel bad too...superman will be his only claim to fame and i doubt we will see him in any blockbuster roles...... i liked him a lot as superman and clark kent.....too bad the story and action were lacking.....bryan singer killed superman.......

i wonder who they will get to play Lex Luthor now....
How stupid is that? How can you lose rights to part of the myth and not the whole thing? Just doesn't make sense.

Yep, very weird but as I understand it's true. It's the same as Superboy being considered a differrent character than Superman. Even though it's really the same character at a differrent age.
The Next Superman is

Henry Cavill (The Tudors, Stardust) has been officially cast as Clark Kent/Superman in Superman: Man of Steel. Warner Bros. confirmed the news this morning along with Zack Snyder’s comments on Cavill as his leading star.The 27 year-old Cavill, while relatively unknown compared to fellow DC superhero Christian Bale and Ryan Reynolds, is a growing star and certainly has the look to play a younger Clark Kent, a much younger Clark Kent compared to the rumors of 40 year-old Mad Men fame playing the iconic character.cavill can be seen later this year playing Theseus in Immortals, starring alongside Mickey Rourke, John Hurt and Kellan Lutz and was a key character in The Tudors for its entire run, working with Jonathan Rhys Meyers.
The story of the Superman reboot won’t be a full origin story and may differ from the ]significantly in that respect. The story originates from the minds of Christopher Nolan, who was ]previously set to produce the projectand comic book movie veteranDavid S. GoyerGoyer is penning the script for Zack Snyder As for what the story of the new Superman movie will be about, Snyder explains it has no ties to previous franchise films and is not based on any specific comic book story.
“As I have already explained, the film will focus on early days of Superman, so there will be no links with other films. This is not a remake then. Similarly, although I still can not talk about the script, I can assure you that this new Superman will not be based on a comic book in particular.”
Henry Cavill Officially Cast as Zack Snyder’s Superman - Screen Rant
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