Man of Steel costume thread

To me it looks too much like the new Spiderman costume. The rubbery texture... even the blues and reds appear to be the same shade. The two things I do like about it, is the cape and and the size of the "S" shield.

I don't know why "modernizing" everything means rubberizing it.

But what do I know? I didn't like Nolan's Batman suits either.

Yes, I agree on every count. I could live with the texture if it wasn't so pronounced. Routh's suit had a pattern that added a little detail but didn't call attention to itself from 20 feet away like this does.

I can't find anything functional or stylish or heroic or otherworldly about rubber. It just looks like...rubber. And to top it off Superman should not be ribbed for anyone's pleasure.

And I hate the Nolan Batman costumes. I like the movies but I think they really missed out on Batman's costume. It tries too hard to look functional but just seems over-designed and clunky.

This Superman costume suffers from the same urge to over-design something. This is a clear example of not being confident enough to let a simple, iconic design remain clean and streamlined.
I'll just post this up for reference:

Routh's suit looked decent from afar, but everything in the details just screamed 'narcissist' to me. S's ON ALL THE THINGS! The bikini-cut trunks, the short boots... they made Routh look *very* long and underwhelming. Superman – as long as I watched the justice league cartoons (this is my generational frame of reference), was incredibly broad and although yes – the "beacon of hope", he lived in a VERY dark world at times and really had to go through a lot.

So basically, I really like the overall vibe that I'm getting from this first teaser. And as far as the character: I feel like Cavill's Superman looks as though he could kick Rouths superman's a** to the curb, any time/ anywhere.
And this is a really great indication of of the tone of the movie... we *finally* get to see superman cause some really intense destruction... something that was painfully lacking in Returns. I can't wait to find out who the villain is... After 300 and Watchmen, seeing this I am VERY excited to see what direction they're exploring with supes.

Anyway, the hair *could* use a curl, but that has changed with superman as long as I have been alive to know him (child of the late 80's 90's), the suit is pretty characteristic of the current views of superhero garb, so I have no issues there... It'll add visual interest on screen and will be less obvious. The solution to the cape is interesting, albeit unconventional... it makes the drapery look fantastic.

P.S. Returns was so off-base. Yes, Superman has to deal with real world problems too... but the biggest problem in the movie that Superman had to deal with was re-enamoring his girlfriend who was pms-ing and had a child? Yuck... and Lex felt like an afterthought (Despite Spacey's fantastic performance)... It is time for Superman to deal with extra-ordinary villains and circumstances, not Lex's villanious "plots" or girlfriend rage.
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So basically, I really like the overall vibe that I'm getting from this first teaser. And as far as the character: I feel like Cavill's Superman looks as though he could kick Rouths superman's a** to the curb, any time/ anywhere.
And this is a really great indication of of the tone of the movie... we *finally* get to see superman cause some really intense destruction... something that was painfully lacking in Returns. I can't wait to find out who the villain is... After 300 and Watchmen, seeing this I am VERY excited to see what direction they're exploring with supes.

Um, Superman isn't about kicking ass or causing destruction. The cool part about him is that his moral compass always points the right way and when he does have to kick a bad guy's ass it's only because he wasn't left much choice. Also, making Superman darker or more somber, even just in the costume, is ****ING RETARDED. He's Superman for ****'s sake.
If they change one thing...ONE, I could grow to love this outfit.
Yes, the texture. Just make it cloth and let's move on. Screw the hair, shorts, emblem size, etc. I'm all about change and evolutionin my superheros, but as mentioned before, I can't stomach the "fish scale" look. It simply doesn't lend itself to the character.
Everything else I can learn to embrace.
I'm no Superman fan but...when you guys fixed his hair I get a George Reeves vibe,which is nice since I actually enjoyed the old TV show.

And the red trunks going bye-bye is okay-they should have done away with that kind of thing...maybe fifty years ago? :lol

Now let's see them do Shazam.......yea,riiight :unsure
Coz it makes him look awesome!
Especially in a breeze or flying!

His father or zod and gang never had a cape.......atomicman from superman 4 did have a cape but that movie dont count..
Some looks cool in it like magneto....but still it looks a little silly.
Why do superman have a cape?

Shuster put a cape on him to show motion when he was drawing the character. He said in an old interview that when they created him (Siegel) he was just starting to learn how to draw and showing motion was not one of his strong suits, so he added a cape.

I hope the trunks are there, hidden in the xenon mist. I don't want some crap director who will more than likely make a 2 hr CGI muddbutt of a film, deciding Superman doesn't need them. Give any kid some crayons and tell him to draw and color Superman -- even they will show you how he's supposed to look.

These new relaunch covers look TERRIBLE without the trunks.

Jetbeetle - you're right.
Why should we apologise or tone down the design perfection of the primary colours of his costume. As ridiculous as wearing briefs over your tights is they serve an important graphic purpose in structuring the colour divisions of the costume. It's all about seeing a primary flash of colour in the sky - a brilliance, not a moody sculker in the shadows.

Anyway, a rubber looking suit on a butch man looks sillier than outer briefs.
Um, Superman isn't about kicking ass or causing destruction. The cool part about him is that his moral compass always points the right way and when he does have to kick a bad guy's ass it's only because he wasn't left much choice. Also, making Superman darker or more somber, even just in the costume, is ****ING RETARDED. He's Superman for ****'s sake.

I agree with this completely. I will add though because of his super powers when he does get mad I want to see destruction (caused by the other super guy) during the fight. Superman II type stuff. Just bigger.
At the bottom of this but not embedded is a slightly higher rez version from JoBlo. They're definitely going the route of the new comic book costume. I cropped in and adjusted the brightness and saturation to try to tell if he was wearing shorts as somebody else already mentioned. As you can see, there's no hint of red color in the place his shorts would be. Seems fairly conclusive to me that at least in this version, he's not wearing 'em. You can also see the piping on the right thigh and there's also something on the left side of his abdomen... looks too high to be part of the belt so I'm assuming it's more piping.

After staring at it again this morning, it looks too much like snakeskin because of the texture covering everything.

I agree with the idea of leaving the texture on the bodysuit and leaving it off of the "S" and the boots. Or for that matter, just do it on the red parts and leave it off the blue bodysuit. Having it on both is just way too much visually.

Aside from that, I can deal with the lack of shorts. Took me forever to get used to the look of the new Spider-Man costume and there's still stuff I'd change about it if I could have it "my way." But since this isn't Burger King, I'll get used to it eventually I guess.

I just realized why it looks SO wrong to leave off the trunks for me - after so many decades of wearing this uniform, it looks like he's naked without them. You expect to see his junk when the trunks are missing.
What are those things on his wrist? At first I thought the suit didn't look right almost like it didn't fit but after looking at it closer it looks like a scalloped pattern rising to a point.
I'm convinced that these style of shiney textured super suits are designed with CGI in mind. I reckon a flat natural fabric with subtle textural qualities would be dumped in favor of a rubbery appearing surface with gleaming highlights.

These new suits start off looking a bit fake in real photography, therefore the transition to CGI is less obvious.

I may be wrong, but I don't think I am ;)
It's a mess.
I don't think I will warm up to it either.
It's way over done, busy, waffle textured, armor-like. It's Superman, he doesn't need armor. And if it is without red shorts, another stupid mistake.
What are those things on his wrist? At first I thought the suit didn't look right almost like it didn't fit but after looking at it closer it looks like a scalloped pattern rising to a point.

Yeah, my initial thought was just that it was the fabric wrinkling up but maybe not... I can't really tell.

All I think when I see it right now is snakeskin leather suit...

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