Man of Steel costume thread

Wow this truly blows, I hate being negative but this is just extremely underwhelming. :unsure
Wow this truly blows, I hate being negative but this is just extremely underwhelming. :unsure

Big 10-4 on that. Can't say I'm a fan of the costume or the actor in it. I will still keep an open mind.

I notice people keep mentioning real world feel etc. Guys were talking about anything but real world. SUPER HEROES. I mean they can fly and leap tall buildings in a single bound. I don't get why people are always applying the "REAL" world to fantasy.
I'd rather see the one larry mentioned that is supposed to be a period piece. I wonder how hard it would be to do a live action one like the old 40s cartoons of superman.
I think it is interesting that so many feel that Superman's spit curl is more iconic and necessary than getting the damn costume right.

I'm also not sure how clothing a man from head to toe in textured rubber that clearly looks like textured rubber is somehow more "real world" than fabric.

The thing is, I'm all for tweaking the design. Losing the trunks, changing the belt, mute the colors, sure thing, knock yourself out. I think those are details that could be altered or dropped entirely and still have a suit that reads instantly as Superman if what remains matches his iconic look.

I think there is a fine line between "visual interest" and straight-up distracting, and the overuse of rubber and the pronounced texture sails right past that.
Looks like a big pile of rubber. Lame.

Especially dont like how the S shield has the same texture as the suit.

Hate his hair, he looks like a jersey shore reject. About as lame has Gino's over the top watermarking :lol
Hey, you never know where my adjusted photo might end up.
Maybe some blog somewhere who knows, probably nowhere.
Just that if it does, credit is always nice.
I'll reserve my full opinion on the suit after more pictures are released, but so far I agree that the suit overall in this picture is a little underwhelming. I totally agree that the "S curl" on this head does make a big difference... right now without it the hair doesn't look right.

And I also don't like the Aquaman scales, either.

But Henry Cavil is a fantastic actor and I have high hopes that Nolan will push him. The script Routh had to work with did NOTHING to advance The Superman.
Cavill as an actor is perfectly adequate for the role and, at least in that shot, appears sufficiently bulky to do it justice.

I am less sanguine about the suit, but I'm also less concerned about the suit than I am about the story.
Sorry I'm late -

Everything sucks except the actor and the fact that the S looks a little like the one from the 50's.




The good news is there's more going on in this pic than in the whole Superman Returns movie. Hopefully this is a shot from the first 5 minutes of the movie.
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I can totally see this costume in the same world as Nolan's Dark Knight.
Looking at this version, it is how I imagine Superman would look if he was real.

What I think works about the costume:

- The muted color palette especially the blue.
- The tall boots and their sleek, less chunky shape.
- The musculature padding 'enhancements'.
- The cape fabric and long length.
- The lack of red underwear.
- Brass colored belt.
- The texture on the blue suit makes it look 'other worldly' which I think is a good thing.
- The overall size of the S crest.

What I would change about the costume:

- I would leave the texture on the blue suit, but remove it from everywhere else. It is texture overkill. I think variance in texture adds interest and everything being the same makes it a miss for me.
- I would have made the S crest less thick but still dimensional.

I think it looks great....apart from the bloody texture- enough with the texture already! Its Costume designers bloody ego - or they are not bold/ original enough to use straight up fabrics.

Also the stuck on shield (again) is doing my head in - the S should flex and move with his body/ muscles - not obstruct/ hide them! ***king morons!
Yeah I think the texture has been taken overboard. having the texture on the symbol and arm/leg gauntlets is maybe too much

agree with the thickness of the symbol too, come to think of it that suit is the least sensible textured I've seen for flying, that sucker is full of drag issues

I bet it wasn't even tested in a wind tunnel :p
You have Superman and you have Batman, muted color for Supes is stupid. Batman hides, Superman shines as a symbol. Muting the colors is just the day and age we live in, people just don't believe in anything anymore.
You have Superman and you have Batman, muted color for Supes is stupid. Batman hides, Superman shines as a symbol. Muting the colors is just the day and age we live in, people just don't believe in anything anymore.

This is like pulling teeth for me but this post is 100% accurate. Superman is supposed to be the shining beacon of hope, not the dark moody one.

Next thing he will have have daddy issues with Jonathan Kent and will have to get over them before he can truly be Superman and take the mantle and fly.


**EDIT** After further inspection, I really like the cape.
If they wanted to go with a texture than have the thing look like it has a super micro weave like it's woven out of kevlar thread or something. YOu know the texture is there but it would only be noticeable at times. This thing reminds me of Wonderwoman's costume.
To me it looks too much like the new Spiderman costume. The rubbery texture... even the blues and reds appear to be the same shade. The two things I do like about it, is the cape and and the size of the "S" shield.

I don't know why "modernizing" everything means rubberizing it.

But what do I know? I didn't like Nolan's Batman suits either.
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