Man of Steel costume thread

Thank you - this image gave me chills...

And I think you've figured out for me (before I could) where my own reservations lie on this whole costume thing. I'm starting to think that the suit doesn't matter. It's blue, it has a red cape. That's it.

What makes it work is the man inside, and Christopher Reeve did something truly special with that role. Even when 'bad' superman films were worth it just for him.

I went to see Immortals twice just to get an idea of Cavill's ability and I am hopeful.

I'll miss the man more than the suit - I hope Cavill can carry his own!

Contrasting this with the reeve pick above doesn't fill me with lots of hope, and maybe it's the setting or pose. I don't know. What he did here is simply awesome and the kid will always remember it as will his parents i'm sure.

Thing is, in that photo he doesn't really look like Superman to me. He looks like a guy in a superman suit. Maybe it's the pose, but he doesn't look to have the build for it.

Now, the reeve shot above, even in the new suit, just says superman.
You't comparing a very posed, deliberate, professional studio image that's been touched up to a pic of a guy crunched over, not in a photography studio, not takeb by a pro, not lit to make him 'heroic,' not touched up and on someone's digital camera (and quite possibly a phone).

Truth is Reeve looked just like a man in a suit, too. The new suit looks just as bad to on Reeve as it does on Cavill - to my eyes. I had hoped/thought that some seeing the costume on Reeve via Photoshop might make them realize just how bad the costume is... guess not. It still looks like a Bizarro costume to me.
if you really think about it they haven't made a movie about Superman since the first Reeve film. Superman Returns wasn't really ABOUT Superman - it was a more of a question - "What if Superman left for five years then came back? What if Lois moved on and was with someone else and had a child? What if the world had moved on? (Something the movie pushed only in brief scenes - everyone applauded when he first showed up at the stadium). This movie is not really about Superman either - it's some skewed take, reworked with a military aspect to it. Jor-El is not as he was, neither is Lois - or Jimmy or Clark/Superman. The Costume (as I've been told) is somehow linked to Krypton and the S insignia is more than a family crest or a letter - it represents Jor-El's military rank or occupation or something stupid like that. The source material has almost totally been tossed aside to make way for what Zack Snyder and the fine folks as Warner consider hip or cooler than what has been established. This is their version - it's not really Superman.

To be fair with the New 52 a lot of the source material has been thrown out anyway. I have no idea how much because I got fed up with the Superman comics after a couple issues in the new continuity, but I'm given to understand that the new costume is Kryptonian battle armor or ceremonial armor of some sort. Even before this New 52 the source material for the Reeve films was thrown out following Crisis on Infinite Earths. With DC Comics "source material" means only so much when the whole universe gets rebooted every few decades.

It's also worth noting that the \S/ was not a family crest until the '78 movie made that up and the comics decided to roll with it.
To be fair with the New 52 a lot of the source material has been thrown out anyway. I have no idea how much because I got fed up with the Superman comics after a couple issues in the new continuity, but I'm given to understand that the new costume is Kryptonian battle armor or ceremonial armor of some sort. Even before this New 52 the source material for the Reeve films was thrown out following Crisis on Infinite Earths. With DC Comics "source material" means only so much when the whole universe gets rebooted every few decades.

It's also worth noting that the \S/ was not a family crest until the '78 movie made that up and the comics decided to roll with it.

This movie is following the new 52 comics (which are terrible) where as the 78 movie made DC change the comics to fit the film.
He doesn't even feel like the character when you see him. Maybe once the movie comes out it'll be better. I'm okay if they want to make the suit more modern but that costume is the only good thing about the new 52.
I still believe they could have done a reboot properly with the original costume without any issues, much like the original 78 Superman movie, except done differently.

I believe the colour contrast and tone of the film is a bit sketchy, judging from pictures and the trailer. It seems to be very dark ala Batman, which is to be expected with Nolan on board.

I hope its not as dark as the trailers suggest, I was hoping for a more bright colour pallette like the original films.

Superman returns just felt odd, his costume was blue and maroon, this one he doesn't have any trunks and seems to be going the "modern gritty" type route.

Although i do appreciate a new take on Superman, it remains to be seen whether this movie flops or is a success.

While Superman 3 and 4 suffered from poor scripting and some campiness, parts of them had some incredible scenes, especially Superman 3 with the Reeve Junkyard fight.

I wouldn't mind some of that again!
Reeve was totally amazing despite being surrounded by goofballs half the time.
I don't mind an alternate costume, but i'm not getting the reason for those weird lines around the sides of his costume and down the legs.

whats the purpose of that?

I get that it may have something to do with his alien origin, but it just seems to be very "overdone" and trying to be hip or something.

They could have easily done a alien looking costume with the trunks, its not much of a stretch to do it. Obviously the costume designers were either told to do it, or simply thought they were smarter than 70 years of history where the trunks have worked without any issue.

Whatever the reason, I would love to see why they went this route.
Louise Mingenbach designed the terrible Superman Returns costume which restricted the last actor Brandon Routh to a fixed build, and with an awful collar attachment, even a schoolgirl could have made a better one!
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