Man From The Atlantis


Sr Member

Did anyone here, already see or make a replica of the yellow swimming trunk of Mark Harris (Patrick Duffy), the Man of Atlantis ?

Thank you very much, bye.

Wow! This is a blast from the past!

I don't remember much about the trunks, but didn't they have a cool little stylized nautilus shaped "glyph" on one leg?

Also, the submersible Cetacean was really cool too! :thumbsup

Ok, it looks like they're just plain yellow, short leg trunks with the Atlantean symbol on the right leg in black.

Here's the only pic I could find of the Atlantean symbol (next to his ear.)


Good Luck!

Yes SgtFang, that's it...a yellow short leg trunk with this symbol (didn't know it was the Atlantean symbol :redface). I didn't find any pics of Duffy with the trunk...Will try again !!!
And yes, the submarine was cool too.
A great 70-80's TV show :cry

Coool......very interesting site :)

I was also thinking about the swords on the TV show "San Ku Kai"...Sorry, I haven't got the US name, perhaps was it the same ??? It could be great to have props from this show : swords, helmets, spaceships, costumes...
