IBC, case of 36 for $10 at Sam's club.....try to blame me.
For the original Nuka bottles, the way it muffin tops out at the upper half is uncoke-like and the bottom pattern only correlates to some coke bottles like the Big Chief Coke bottle I posted earlier, actually the shrooming look can be found on some varieties of Big Chief...interesting.
I actually grew up on a big ranch in Oklahoma and we picked up the really old Coke/Dr Pepper/ and Pepsi bottles all the time just washing out of riverbanks and stuff. That Big Chief bottle in the pic came out of a sandbar. We have at least a few hundred bottles altogether out in the main barn up by the old ranch house just from me and my dad picking stuff up over a few decades not including liquor and medicine and perfume stuff.
And I'll say the real old (teens-50's ?) coke bottles are not flat but have the coke emblem sticking out as part of the glass mold. They didn't switch to the flat middle bit until somewhat later on (Still decades before I was born being "later on")
The more modern guys like the one on the right I posted (bought it just to get a drink of real coke with sugar in Ft Worth last year) are actually better for the bigger scale of the Fallout 3+ Nuka bottles. I don't know about availability where you're at but the .5 liter mexican glass coke bottles can be found pretty commonly in local run convenience stores around here for about $1.25 and you get half a liter of ice cold coke. That's a better deal than trying to hunt down semi-older bottles that are essentially the same IMO.
My 2 cents anyway. It seems like a lot of the really awesome replicas I've seen people make use the too-small 8.5/12 oz american coke bottles or even plastics. Would be nice to see one done in the bigger size.
Hell I'm watching this thread closely just to see how yours turns out so I can get a clue on what to do with mine.:lol