KnowOne's Designs
Ok so since all of you helped me out so much with my mask problems for Black Cat I decided to ask around on my make-up woes with this Domino costume.
So this is the picture I'm generally basing the make-up on (I really like the dimension with the red-black lipstick)
I'm doing this costume in kind of a hurry because our local comic store wanted us there for "X-Men Day," the husband is going as Deadpool dressed in one of those Wolverine costume t-shirts. It'll be fun!

I am currently using ben nye's foundation creme in porcelain and the same in black. I chose porcelain because i wanted to go for an extremely pale skin tone rather than clown white. As you can see it photographed much whiter than it actually is.

My Problem...
When I put this on it looks kinda dry and un-even. When I photograph it it looks great (granted this was on my camera phone but still...) does all cake make-up look like that in person or could I be doing/using something better? I'm really picky with this because it's the first costume I've done with intense make-up and I want it to look as good as possible. Also I'm going to be putting this on my hands as well so I need something that's going to keep it on my hands and off everything that I touch...
Any suggestions would be helpful!! Thanks!!