Mad Max II and Wez the Road Warrior Hit-up New Orleans for Halloween


Sr Member
Well the wife and I decided to spend Halloween in New Orleans this year. I had been working on a Mad Max II costume for about 6 months and my wife said to me "What am I going to wear?".
I told her I thought she was doing her own thing but I guess she expected me to do it for her. Well I thought what better than to make an adversary for Max. I always thought "Wez" was a good one, so I got busy. Since my wife was wearing the costume I figured I had better try and put some what of a feminine spin on the costume, if that was even possible.
We nixed the mowhawk for red hair color, made the cod piece less cod like and more like a leather bikini cut, and gave her some different style boots.
She of course complained that it was uncomfortable until everyone wanted their picture with her. Women in costume ALWAYS get more attention:rolleyes
We had alot of fun and I was very surprised at how many people got excited about our costumes and knew who we were. A 30 year old foreign film, go figure:lol
You both look great, the Wez is one of the better ones ive seen.

I was very surprised at how many people got excited about our costumes and knew who we were. A 30 year old foreign film, go figure

That 30 year old foreign film and its predecessor are among the elite in world cinema, if you went to Japan in those costumes you would be treated like rockstars. Love the Elvis Knievel outfit.
Although I honestly forgot the character's name, there's no way I couldn't recognize your wife's costume right away.

You both must've had a blast!
I'm actually crossing the streams right now by doing a Mad Max inspired Batman costume, so this thread is pretty inspiring.
Great job on those costumes.