Lorne (The Host) From Angel Large pic


Well-Known Member
Anyone know what would be a good starting point for the make-up
on this character?
If you're on Facebook, Dayne Johnson (the makeup artist who did that make up for the show) is on there, he might be able to give you tips. He's a nice guy :)
Are you gonna sculpt the whole thing or work from an existing prosthetic ? If I were I'd just look around for some devil horns, nose and chin from halloween stores then use facepaint over it. IDK tho I've never done anything like this.
I wanted to try and do a few pieces to get the right look, but after watching
the special features about the makeup, I am thinking it would be better to
do a full face prosthetic.

Andy Hallett was an amazing person. Funny and sweet. I loved his character
on Angel and he is deeply missed by many.
I'm not really sure about that mask, a lot of things seem off to me. The smile lines (I'm not sure what you'd really call them) look too pronounced and rigid, and the brows might be a little too pronounced as well. The shaping on the nose and chin seem off, too. With the right coloring you could make it work, but I think there might be better options out there. The horns look good though.
Lorne was one of our favorite characters. We were very sad when we heard Andy passed.

I think whether you opt for prosthetic pieces or full face depends on your facial structure.
I was gonna cut away the laugh lines to leave that part of it open for my face
to show through. I will pick one up and see how it looks.
I wanted to try and do a few pieces to get the right look, but after watching
the special features about the makeup, I am thinking it would be better to
do a full face prosthetic.

Do you happen to know which season had that special feature? I'd be interested in seeing that but I'll have to order it through netflix