Looking for info on the Highlander 2 katana

Anakin Starkiller

Master Member
Hey guys, I'm looking for some info on the Highlander 2 katana.

If anyone has any good references I would really appreciate it. Also, I have a few questions:

Was the blade on the hero sword/or stunt sword aluminu, steel, or stainless?

Was there a hamon or no?

Was there a Habaki?

Was the Tsuba brass, aluminum or fiberglass?

How thick was the Tsuba?

Can anyone provide me with Tsuba dimensions or drawing?

Thanks a bunch guys.


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Writing you a pm with some details but real quick here.....

1. Blade was stainless on the hero and aluminum on the stunts

2. The tsuka is what you bought from Jason lol

3. Hamon wise if there was, it was fake. Probably just a wave pattern.

4. I'm working on the tsuba issue right now, check your pms.
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I can't remember who, but someone actually owns one of the Maclead swords from The Quickening. Try doing a search for it to see what comes up.