Looking for ENT Wall Com screen caps


Sr Member
Does anyone have good pix of a screen used Enterprise wall com or a screen accurate replica? I am trying to suss out some of the construction mostly around the speaker fabric. (I already found the fabric, I am just curious about the construction of the square speaker ‘hole’ in the plate.)

Hi Andy,

not sure what you want .... there was no hole and no fabric.

Just a printed grey immage on a beveled acrylic board, some rubber bumpons and a square lenticular sticker for the "speaker".
I am sure that some of them were just a printed image of the metallic fabric with a printed vinyl or some material plant on, with 3M bumpon buttons and 'camera eye'. But I could swear there were some hero wall coms that had the speaker window cut out and the shiny fabric beneath.

I want to see images of those.
Trust me it's not speaker material; it's some sort of lenticular material on a piece of black acrylic with beveled edges. It has a flat piece of vinyl (yes, it's flat but the graphic makes it appear 3 dimensional) with rubber bumpers attached as buttons.

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Oh, sorry feek, I was being loose with y terminology. I know it is not speaker material in RL. I was just calling it speaker material as that is what it represents on this prop. I have a source for the stuff.

Thanks for the info and the pic. It's exactly what I wanted to know.

I already drew out the panels (pictured with fabric in place and buttons and blue eyes that will be replaced with the real deal when built, they are on there just for show now), I was just wondering what I'd do with the construction on the com.