Looking for 360 degree Ark Cherub / Angel Pictures


Well-Known Member
Hi, I am looking to try my hand at sculpting these Cherubim but reference photos are scarce. Could someone with one not already chromed take a few dozen photos from all angles and post them here? I can provide a drop link if needed. I am looking to do a combination of digital and physical sculpting for these.

thank you!
There's a nice sculpt of the cherubim here. Not a lot of reference of the original but has some good closeups of his version with details of the face.
There's a nice sculpt of the cherubim here. Not a lot of reference of the original but has some good closeups of his version with details of the face.

yes I have grabbed his photos already. I would like to see some from people who have a casting of the ones that have been going around for a while though. thanks!
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