"Look Sir, Droids".... Part ID?


Sr Member
Just making a sand base for my Threepio...thought it would be a nice touch to have the part the Stormtroopers find in the sand...

Any idea what it was, or anyone have a high res pic?


The only matching droid part I can think of is from the Viscount blower (holo projector) housing. ...which the Jawas immediately replaced on Artoo, it seems. ;)
To me, it looks like the outer housing to a roller bearing, usually referred to as a race bearing. Though I don't know why as the part itself is just the Race while the bearing assembly is another part all together.

Anyway, the biggest problem would be finding the correct one. Some are beveled on both sides (like the one in the pic), but most are only beveled on the inner face (to mate with the roller bearing), while the outer face is vertical (to mate with the hub).

It could just be a piece that came off the derwent while they were scrapping that for parts as well.

No point spending a lot of money and time for something s small. It does seem like part of a holo-emitter..but those are curved on one surface..this appears flat on each face..

I'll just find something around the house.

It is an intake gasket from a 1969 Maytag dishwasher.

Not really, but it sounded good. lol!
I always imagined it was a lens hood from one of the set cameras..:)

(btw- A lot of times the prop guys will use whatever is at hand..Lots of "star-ship-cargo-bay" containers are actually movie-camera cases..:D)
Yea it's likely any thing they could just find for that day of shooting...

Haven't found the right piece yet..debated cutting a plastic cup..but that will look uneven..and wife has already expressed her opinion of that. ;)

Still wandering around the house..

Yea it's likely any thing they could just find for that day of shooting...
True. It's a bit of a "throw away" scene--they just needed to show the Stormtroopers (Sandtroopers for you purists) found evidence of the droids' presence on Tatooine; from a storytelling standpoint the part itself is of little importance, so it wasn't necessary for it to be instantly recognizable as belonging to R2-D2 or C-3PO.

For your purposes you could probably use anything that bears a resemblance to it, and (in my experience) most people wouldn't know the difference.
the neck of a plastic liter bottle? Maybe a spare lighting part.. like the collar of a lamp.. or hardware like a dead-bolt collar..Show pics when you get it finished! I'm thinking of getting a 3-PO one of these days..
Thanks for the ideas guys!

I just dremelled a lid from a jar of pepper. ;) It's being primed now.

I left the threads inside (they are intermittent so not obvious threads) to give it some detail.

I'll post pics later on when the ring is painted. :)

Kinda OT, but is it just be or does the escape pod in the backround (assuming for ref the ST standing next to it) look awfully small for R2 and 3PO to fit in? When they board it on the blockade runner, the entry hatch looked alot bigger...
Hmm..hard to say..I know Threepio was bent right over.

That blue cover always seemed out of place to me.

I was watching ANH the other day and also notices some wires running from the back of Threepios head behind him..in the scene where they are being sold by Jawas. Then in the next scene the wires are gone..
Here is the result! Used some chrome paint, then a mist of flat black to weather it.

It is conical..but probably not as much as the one used in the movie.

I'll get a pic later of it in the sand (the Threepio base). It's still tacky so I want it to be more dry for that.

My question has always been, what makes them think that part came from a droid? It doesn't look like anything specific to a droid. I know they needed to have that in there but they could have used some part from an R2.
RPF Inspectors....haha.

Here is the piece in my base!! Only the true Star Wars fans will understand it's significance. ;)