Liz Sherman costume


Sr Member
Anyone working on a Liz BPRD "uniform" for their significant others?
I am, and was wondering if anyone had any info on her necklace, weapons belt, type of weapon used...etc.
This is the Hellboy mask I'm using:

Any help would be great!
I don't have any advice, but Hellboy is one of my top five favorite comic books EVER!

I love to costume. I have right now in one form or another the 1966 Penguin, the Batman Returns Penguin, the 89 Keaton Batman, and like 5 other costumes in SOME FORM of build up. hahaha I am never going to get them all done. LOL

I look forward to seeing this costume. If you need me to take screen caps from Hellboy 1, just let me know which outfit. Also, check the BEAUTIFUL Behind the Scenes books called the ART of Hellboy! They are Hell-tastic! BOY are they good! HAHA! A DOUBLE pun!

Good luck!
cave - I would love too, but I don't think I can get Vanson to go for doing that one for me... I've got some constraints on the types of jackets I'm sticking with.

As far as Liz goes... here's the thread on her jacket on

You can probably snag something similar in those China Bellstaffs on ebay.
I think we're going with "close enough" for Dragon Con, and if she gets into it more, we'll upgrade her later.
Looks like it turned out pretty great for a "close enough" costume! If she's interested in getting a bit more into it, I think Liz's gun is a Glock 17 pistol. The airsoft versions tend to look pretty good. I picked one up at a flea market for about 20$.
Wouldn't happen to have any info on the necklace yet? I'm looking to do a Liz costume myself. :)

By the way, the twins are adorable. LOL :lol
I made the mask myself, basically I sculpted the face piece, then attached it to another "bald" mask that I did for the Marvel character The Vision, then I used a couple of old black wigs to hair it up.