There are a lot of really accurate Graflex replicas on the market at a fraction of the cost of MR's product. If I remember correctly I paid $150 shipped for my Luke ANH. I generally advocate supporting the license holder, but MR has dropped the license and I never liked their policy of making things "limited edition" and artificially driving up the price.
If you are talking Original Trilogy, is there any "non-iconic" lightsaber? Sure, the general public aren't going to realize there's a "Luke RotJ Hero" and a "Luke RotJ V2". They'll just look at and say "Oooo, a lightsaber!" if they recognize what it is at all. It's your collection Andymac84. Get what you like.
For what it's worth, I've always had a soft spot for Obi Wan's saber. It's a much more interesting collection of parts than a camera flash with some grips stuck to it. That said, it's tough to beat Luke's since it's the first lightsaber we see on screen.