Lightsaber Conclusion...


Sr Member
Hi guys,
I would like to add a Lightsaber to my prop collection. What is your opinion who made the best replicas out there?

-MR Force FX?
-MR (handle)

and then: only the handle? or with the saber? :confused

Any help is much appreciated.
Get an MR LE. Pick an iconic one (like the Luke ANH) or one from your favorite film. I've had many over the years, and so far my favorite has been the Luke ROTJ V2.
depends do you want the cool factor of being able to play with it or do you want to have a dead on replica to display.
There are a lot of really accurate Graflex replicas on the market at a fraction of the cost of MR's product. If I remember correctly I paid $150 shipped for my Luke ANH. I generally advocate supporting the license holder, but MR has dropped the license and I never liked their policy of making things "limited edition" and artificially driving up the price.

If you are talking Original Trilogy, is there any "non-iconic" lightsaber? Sure, the general public aren't going to realize there's a "Luke RotJ Hero" and a "Luke RotJ V2". They'll just look at and say "Oooo, a lightsaber!" if they recognize what it is at all. It's your collection Andymac84. Get what you like.

For what it's worth, I've always had a soft spot for Obi Wan's saber. It's a much more interesting collection of parts than a camera flash with some grips stuck to it. That said, it's tough to beat Luke's since it's the first lightsaber we see on screen.
depends do you want the cool factor of being able to play with it or do you want to have a dead on replica to display.

For what it's worth, my FX sabers get the biggest reaction. Of course my movie geek friends recognize the lightsaber hilts for what they are, but only the FX get a universal "Wow!" reaction. A lot of people just don't recognize it as a lightsaber until a glowing blade pops out of the handle.

Again, it's your collection: Are you looking for something you want or something to "Wow!" other people?
Well, I like to "wow" myself and others with a dead on replica. I really like Anakins Lightsaber in Episode II or III which becomes Lukes lighstaber slightly modified in ANH.
hm, the thing is, even if u like MR or not, they're gettin' very rare. I like the FX but I'm also for a replica of the handle..
Do you want a toy or a nice replica? If you want a toy, go with MR. If you are a fan of the original trilogy, you can make two nice sabers very easily.
1) Luke ANH - Graflex flash unit, Gino or Saberfreak Grips, Exactra Calc bubble strip or a repro, a D-ring.
2) Obi Wan ANH - Russrep is making the most accurate parts to date and they are designed to fit together so you can build one in a few minutes.
Hm, mentioned I like Anakins Lightsaber which becomes Lukes.
Do u have pics of Lukes? Or links to the parts?
And, what's the difference between MR and Hasbro FX?

sorry, but I have to know ;-)
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Graflex is the name of the company that made the flashguns which were used to make Lukes lightsaber in ANH and ESB. look there click the item button bottom of page look for Lukes lightsaber ANH.

As far as i know Hasbro use the same tooling MR did, they really are just expensive toys though.
If you want some in-depth info and pics, go to my site

- click on proparchive

- then scroll down to lightsabers and select one

- then you can click on the pics, or click on propstory which will tell you all you ever wanted to know about that particular saber
