Yes, the buildup and painting looks fantastic. I'm glad the sculpt I did worked out for ya, as I really was no predator expert when I did this, and a lot of it was sort of out of instinct.
Ohhh maneekeek, thats just outstanding work Larry.
You are the master when it comes to painting Predators.
Can´t stop looking at this. My hat goes off for you:thumbsup
Thanks guys.
Bob did quite a job on the sculpt.
It's an intimidating subject, every little feature
needs to be just right or the likeness will be noticeably off.
You should be doing this for feature films. Your paintjobs are simply among the best that have been done. Anybody who has seen your other work beyond a Gremlin perhaps.......would agree. I'm always impressed by your talent.
My sincerest compliments on the sculpture as well!