Lenses for Vader (and mesh)


Sr Member
Hello all, newby here with my first of many requests... :$

Anyone have a good source for lenses for my GH Vader helmet?

I may as well ask about a source for the correct mouth mesh as well.


Purchased from a member here BTW. :)

Thanks in advance.


BTW, If this is in the wrong forum please feel free to move it.

edit to add about the mesh.
I saw that acquisition on another forum, congrats. It's a lovely lid. :)

Lenses are very hard to come across these days. There were a couple of people around who used to sell them but they seem to have disappeared. :unsure

For the mesh, have a look around in the JY. There were a couple of for sale threads for Vader mesh there recently.

Congrats again on the helmet.
Marcus (board name kurtyboy) had super accurate mesh. Give him a shout and if he has any left I am sure you two could do business.

Cheers Chris.