Sr Member

Above is a quick drawing of how i want to lay out and wire-up some LEDs. From front left to right is about 3 feet in length.
The white dots are 5mm White LEDs. The only info i have on them is the following:
5mm Bright White LEDs
12V DC
20 mA
High Intensity - Low Power.
The two green and one red dot are 3mm green and red LEDs. Info:
High Brightness 3mm LEDs
12V DC
20 mA
High Intensity - Low Power
I am trying to find out the voltage of these LEDs, but so far, the seller has not sent me a reply after me asking three times.
Can anyone who knows about wiring LEDs help me wire these up. I don't know what resistors i need or where i should fit them.
These are going inside a model and can never be replaced once its built, so i need them to be wired up properly, with the correct resistors and the most suitable power supply.
I need to make it so if one led fails, the others still work.
Please help!
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