Ledger Joker Bust


New Member
Heres some in progress shots of the Joker Bust sculpted by Richard Martin and put out by Killerkits, I used synthetic hair added to the resin to soften the area, moved the tie down a little, still a way to go, really enjoying working in this scale


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I would give the hair a slight curl to give it the wavy look Heath had in the movie.
I would also slightly thin the hair on the sides as it is rather thick.
You could even take it to a local hairdresser & have them do it for you.

You may be able to get some Halloween colored hair spray to work into the hair to lighten it. I assume that the hair is already glued on the head.

Should look killer once finished.
I don't , but just google him,should be hundreds of good reference photos there.. his hair is a dirty greasy, blonde with some light green, some yellow... It's a bunch of different colors.
I like it, you can easily see the Heath resemblance. I agree the hair is too dark and thick, but I do think the darker red lipstick looks really good for some reason.
I wish there was a way to tweak the sculpt a touch. You aren't going to like me too much :lol, but I would love to get my hands on one of these and dremel the chin off and use apoxy sculpt to fix it. IMO, from the top lip up, it is BANG ON Ledger, but the chin unfortunately is a little too full.

Here is what I mean:



The paint job on the face is absolutely stupendous. Lighten that hair a bit and you are golden. It may actually help to make it blonde first, then dirty it up with some vibrant green acrylic.
So did this sculpt come bald as my friend has this bust with sculpted hair ??.

Looks way better with real hair and the paint app looks very well done.
I agree the hair probably needs to be trimmed out and more green tones added.
Maybe leave some dark near the roots like in the pic above and highlight the ends with lighter greens....
I have a new joker on the way with real hair too and will probably be playing around with that. I want it to look quite greasy so if you find something that works, do tell.
I know a guy who does 1/6 sculpts with real hair and he uses baby oil to grease it up so that could work.

Looks great so far :)
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