Last Action Hero Ticket?


Sr Member
Anyone here ever done the ticket given to Danny by Nick that was passed down from Houdini?

I thought it was a pretty cool prop. Said three were made for the movies on wiki, by Michael Marcus.
Prop Store of London sold the only known unripped version of the ticked to a bidder by the name of Mr.X for $ 1,650 back in August of 08.

I watched the film a month or so back and wondered the same thing. I was hoping images of it would reside in the Archives at the Prop Stores web site, but no dice.

You never really see it clearly enough in the film.
Theres a stadium like image in the middle and some stuff on the corners. I can't recall it clearly enough from memory- but, Yes this would be a cool paper prop to replicate/own. Most defiantly.
you mean this

Man, that thing is Nice! I thought it did give some pretty clear views in the movie, I'll check tonight and make sure though. Too bad the Propstore doesn't have any pics though.
Work in progress! Looks finished to me ;) Let us know when you are going to do a run.

BTW PM sent.

The last action hero Pinballmachine has the ticket aswell and it looks like a copy

"Beavis and butthead" Hehehe Boobs Heheheheh
I mean the real one. They used a copy of the real one to make the one in the pinballmachine.
I got a complete one off ebay years ago.
I have it somewhere, they we're around when all the golden tickets
with Wonka we're around.

I also have a last action hero crew jacket!!!!!

Med size and the entire lining is the ticket shown here reprinted all over the inside lining!.

If youre a big fan I may sell this jacket. It's like new.
TOO small for me.

PM me.

I will see if I can find mine.

I remember only the magic golden ticket, I think there was a free paper prop anywhere, but dont remember where...