Kyle Rayner Green Lantern ring


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know where i can get a decent Kyle Rayner style GL ring? In Silver? I've found a really nice one (except for this really stupid gem thingy in the middle) but it's made from white metal that's supposedly has a silver coating. Plus it's lines are a bit wavey. I'd really like to get my hands on a crisp decent solid silver one.
Not sure if you are still following but, I have been doing a lot of searching for various rings and found some, including a Kyle ring on Not sure of quality or exact prcing since they are international but, the designs look cool. Good luck!
Does anyone know where i can get a decent Kyle Rayner style GL ring? In Silver? I've found a really nice one (except for this really stupid gem thingy in the middle) but it's made from white metal that's supposedly has a silver coating. Plus it's lines are a bit wavey. I'd really like to get my hands on a crisp decent solid silver one.
I think I know the one you're talking about. If it's the one I think it is, it's an obvious, and very poor, recast of the wearable GL Power Ring that DC Direct put out back in 1998. I'm very disappointed that DC and WB's legal team haven't shut that guy down yet, because he's been making those pieces of crap for a couple years now.

The best one I've seen lately that meets your requirements is this one, from official DC licensee Arroba Silver:

If you like the design, they make very good quality rings, and their rings are made of sterling silver, so you can't go wrong with it. :cool

They have a large range of GL rings, so if that particular design isn't to your liking, check out their site for other styles. You might find exactly what you're looking for. :)

Hope that helps.
I have seen the ones you are refering to on ebay and I agree, not good. I thought about getting one 'til I compared it to the DC version and the others that I have found here and on the GLCMB, and decided against it. So many cooler rings!