Kotobukiya Obi-Wan vs. General Grievous


Sr Member

shouldn't these be in the general modeling forum?

Yeah, we'll leave it here. The koto stuff is not really a model in the classic sense so I think the prop forum is the best place to show them off. IMO they are just like a Sideshow or Gentle Giant piece.
Why do they ALWAYS make the lightsaber blades SO long! I mean they never look that big in the movies. Nice model though... I like that they changed the color scheme of Grievous's "Obi" saber to make it more unique and it almost looks like the ANH Obi (see, even THEY spotted that mistake!)... and then again, the two sabers looked a little different in ROTS as well, particularly in slight dimension and color differences (Grievous's saber has a white belt clip and the grenade grip and neck are a slightly different color than the ROTS Obi), but still too similar to many fans. Yes I know that same didgital model was used posing as "Obi's" saber on the Invisible Hand, as well as Obi's TPM/AOTC saber, but that just shows how lazy they got on ROTS in just about EVERYTHING. Dont get me wrong... I liked the movie, but WAAAAY TOO MUCH was messed up in order to totally forgive it.
Wasn't a huge fan of ROTS myself. Well conversion rates work out to about $67 a figure. So watch this space to see how much retailers scalp us.
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they had to do him in the STUPID two fingers out pose!!

i THINK he was trying to copy a Tai Chi technique called "sword fingers" but hes supposed to have his fingers TOGETHER not trying to poke the Generals eyes out