Knight and Day - Cruise & Diaz

Jet Beetle

Sr Member
Gone but not forgotten.
Well, Having a heart the size of Texas I told my friend I'd sit with her over the weekend as she recovers from knee surgury - her movie collection is pretty thin but i noticed a small stack of new bluray recently purchased some i had not seen - so i forced myself through "it's a trap" - the latest Family Guy/ Star Wars mixmash and aside cameos by American Dad characters ( i always liked American Dad more than FG) The movie was pretty dull and uninspired. I get the whole joke at the beginning, attempting to buy itself passage as a bad movie - but c'mon!

Anyhow - family guy is not what this thread is about - i also watched Knight and Day and i have to say 3/4ths of the movie is damn good! I was shocked, but then realized Tom Cruise is always good as lo g as he's playing a hyped version of himself. The movie was so blasted by critics but there's so much going on everyone should be able to find something to like! It goes too long for no reason other than to let Diaz work her way out of being the damsel in distress for the whole picture- but if you get a chance - check it out... It really is like a ride.
Thanks for the recommendation!

I thought that might be the case. It seemed like the biggest complaint I heard in the press was that Cruise and Diaz were officially "too old" to headline a summer action movie. I think that's ridiculous (probably because I'm 40).
I enjoyed it. It was fun and the fight scene in the plane (and the subsequent "explaination") was worth it. :)
Yeah, it might just be because I went into it with low expectations but I liked it. I wouldn't buy a copy of it but I enjoyed watching it. Cruise really is sort of a parody of himself in the movie which I thought made it fun.
I really liked the movie as well, despite to rip off of James Bond with Cruise and Diaz on the motorcycle.
I don't always like Cruise and I really enjoyed this.
It was very funny and had good action.
Some great running jokes.

My wife an I both enjoyed it, I really liked Cruise's over the top antics and thought it was a great "light" movie to just sit and enjoy. Plus Diaz was smokin in those beach scenes.