I figured I'd post this while some resin cures. These are all shots of the various Klingon costume accessories that are usually hard as hell to find good pics of. Feel free to add anything you might have in the dark dusty corners of your hard drives. Costume parts, props, anything. Just specify if it's a canon piece or something fan made.
Officer style collar clasp and chest buckle-
Chest Buckle unassembled-
Collar clasp unassembled-
Collar pins-
Gauntlet symbols-
Elbow Insignia-
STTMP/ Enlisted Belt Buckle-
Holster Lanyard-
Back Plates 1-
Back Plates 2-
Belt Pouch-
ST6 Gen Chang Sash trim chain-
Vest tubes 1-
Vest Tubes 2-
Feel free to save and redistribute these so they're easier to fellow costumers to find, just give me credit.
Still looking for good shots of Gorkon's necklace from ST6 and the judges gavel from ST6
Officer style collar clasp and chest buckle-
Chest Buckle unassembled-
Collar clasp unassembled-
Collar pins-
Gauntlet symbols-
Elbow Insignia-
STTMP/ Enlisted Belt Buckle-
Holster Lanyard-
Back Plates 1-
Back Plates 2-
Belt Pouch-
ST6 Gen Chang Sash trim chain-
Vest tubes 1-
Vest Tubes 2-
Feel free to save and redistribute these so they're easier to fellow costumers to find, just give me credit.
Still looking for good shots of Gorkon's necklace from ST6 and the judges gavel from ST6