Kick Ass ebay score on MGC Mauser

I saw it early this morning minutes after he posted it. I should have bought it and sold it for twice as much. :D :love Great score :thumbsup
What do you intend to do about the grips? I have a MGC with red 9 grips. Unfortunately, the MGC frame is still too large for a real replacement set. I felt I'd be loosing accuracy if I modded the MGC frame to accept a real set.
WOW, that was well done.

As for the grips, I wonder if Denix grips would fit with a little encouragement. They are also bigger than real Mauser grips. (I have several extra pairs, lmk if you need any)
I will either try to find a set of MGC grips for sale, or I have another set of MGC grips from another gun which I think I might cast them in resin and paint them black (since the grips on the ROTJ blaster were black).
