eBay Global Shipping Program -- Lessons Learned


Well-Known Member
I suppose many/most of you already know this, but I learned the hard way...

I sold a replica (toy) pistol replica to a buyer in the UK. I'm located in the US. While this was clearly marked as a toy in the listing, when eBay's Global Shipper agent (Pitney Bowes) received the item, it was sent to and flagged by US Customs. Per eBay's rules (somewhat hard to find), eBay would typically return the item to the Seller (me). But as this was on their list of "flagged items", it was consolidated with other items and sold off to another eBay store. There, that eBay store used my photos and text description and listed the item for sale again. I contacted this eBay account trying to regain possession of the item, even offering to pay them for the shipping expense to return it to me but they refused. I also complained -- a lot -- to eBay about the issue. Their position is that they refunded the original buyer and allowed me to keep the revenue from the cancelled sale, so all parties were made whole. The problem is that there is a seller whose business model is essentially to tap into cancelled eBay sales, acquire merchandise, and then resell it. There are quite a few complaints about this liquidator online.

Anyway, I suspect you may be aware. Be cautious if you sell via eBay's Global Shipping Program and read all the fine print.
While I do make purchases on ebay from time to time, I've cut off selling there a few years ago because of questionable practices like this. They give carte blanche to buyers (who generate them no revenue) and screw over sellers by siding with buyers almost indiscriminately during a sales dispute. Yet it's the sellers who pay listing fees and final value fees. Go figure. You don't have to pay a membership fee to shop there, so by that account buyers generate no revenue for ebay. The fact that this seller used your photos, description, and was allowed to resell your item is criminal after getting seized by US Customs no less. I don't care if you got to keep the funds or the buyer got reimbursed. The fact that ebay flat out refused to help you and just gave your item to someone else for them to do as they pleased with it? Completely beyond the pale!

That's theft. That seller lifted your images, your description and sold YOUR item without your permission and was protected by the very company YOU paid fees to have your item listed? That's the definition of theft. I was potentially considering selling a few items on ebay just to test the waters again but after hearing this, I'll just steer clear. If ever there was a perfect example of how certain companies have fallen so far from grace, this is one of them.
Ebay is selling stolen goods. Plus if the US Customs rejected it because of copyright infringement (ie. selling a replica of a real world patented pistol) then they themselves are in violation of US customs regulations because the material is supposed to be either sent back to the original owner or destroyed. So how does that work when these "buyers/ resellers" get to list the item for sale again? Are they somehow exempt from being able to ship overseas? Because if they aren't limited to domestic sales, then they too will have to deal with US Customs. There's something seriously wrong about this whole thing. I'd bet these accounts are some sort of underhanded dealers who generate sales for Ebay and maybe they get a kickback for it? Who knows? There's definitely some corruption happening within that organization.

I would put them on blast through social media to let everyone know what they did.
It's already bad enough that countries outside the US do this same crap. That was one of the biggest challenges I had to battle last year and the reason I had to suspend overseas shipping for a while until I could get it sorted. Some of these carriers have extremely corrupt agents who falsify documents to pocket illegal duties charges from buyer and seller on top of the actual legal duties. In one case they tried to charge my client for MORE THAN HALF the value of the item in unspecified "fees" for the item he purchased, despite multiple receipts to prove its value. They also changed those fees multiple times when I objected, which removed any doubt that this was an outright scam.

The fact that now Ebay is trying to get in on it to skim off the top is disgusting. I hope enough people stand up to them and they launch an investigation to this. This isn't just a few people getting ripped off either. This kind of thing is common with overseas transactions and it's ILLEGAL! There are Federal guidelines for the value of certain items either imported or exported out of the country, and each one has limits. When those caps are exceeded it's against the law.
It's already bad enough that countries outside the US do this same crap. That was one of the biggest challenges I had to battle last year and the reason I had to suspend overseas shipping for a while until I could get it sorted. Some of these carriers have extremely corrupt agents who falsify documents to pocket illegal duties charges from buyer and seller on top of the actual legal duties. In one case they tried to charge my client for MORE THAN HALF the value of the item in unspecified "fees" for the item he purchased, despite multiple receipts to prove its value. They also changed those fees multiple times when I objected, which removed any doubt that this was an outright scam.

The fact that now Ebay is trying to get in on it to skim off the top is disgusting. I hope enough people stand up to them and they launch an investigation to this. This isn't just a few people getting ripped off either. This kind of thing is common with overseas transactions and it's ILLEGAL! There are Federal guidelines for the value of certain items either imported or exported out of the country, and each one has limits. When those caps are exceeded it's against the law.
Exactly!! This is why I will never sell anything on Ebay, EVER. I wonder if the Federal Trade Commission needs to be contacted on this, as it is fraud being committed on the internet?

Hate this. It's a way of making more money for eBay nothing to do with customs.
You can post or at least you could up to about $20 maybe a little morę without any custom charges to be the UK. If you buy on this program you pay? Why?
People are dumb and believe eBay have their interest at heart - total cr@p
Here in germany you need to pay 19% taxes+customfees on every shipping from a non EU-country.

For the global shipping programm you pay more because you don´t need to drive to customs because they are doing it for you.

They deliver it direct to your home.But yes the price is high at the end.Together with the unusual paypal exchange rate its an expensive adventure.;)
While I do make purchases on ebay from time to time, I've cut off selling there a few years ago because of questionable practices like this. They give carte blanche to buyers (who generate them no revenue) and screw over sellers by siding with buyers almost indiscriminately during a sales dispute. Yet it's the sellers who pay listing fees and final value fees. Go figure. You don't have to pay a membership fee to shop there, so by that account buyers generate no revenue for ebay. The fact that this seller used your photos, description, and was allowed to resell your item is criminal after getting seized by US Customs no less. I don't care if you got to keep the funds or the buyer got reimbursed. The fact that ebay flat out refused to help you and just gave your item to someone else for them to do as they pleased with it? Completely beyond the pale!

That's theft. That seller lifted your images, your description and sold YOUR item without your permission and was protected by the very company YOU paid fees to have your item listed? That's the definition of theft. I was potentially considering selling a few items on ebay just to test the waters again but after hearing this, I'll just steer clear. If ever there was a perfect example of how certain companies have fallen so far from grace, this is one of them.
Class Action!:)
Here in germany you need to pay 19% taxes+customfees on every shipping from a non EU-country.

For the global shipping programm you pay more because you don´t need to drive to customs because they are doing it for you.

They deliver it direct to your home.But yes the price is high at the end.Together with the unusual paypal exchange rate its an expensive adventure.;)
There are some things that they do handle customs wise but many of the items i've seen have no duties or tariffs according to the Harmonized Sales Tax listings but that doesn't stop Pitney-Bowes from adding them. Here in Canada the only time Customs Canada adds the ubiquitous 'handling fee' is if they actually physically interact with your package. They apply a specific tape to the package afterwards to show they opened it and inspected the contents. I've yet to see any package Pitney-Bowes has opened to inspect.
There are some things that they do handle customs wise but many of the items i've seen have no duties or tariffs according to the Harmonized Sales Tax listings but that doesn't stop Pitney-Bowes from adding them. Here in Canada the only time Customs Canada adds the ubiquitous 'handling fee' is if they actually physically interact with your package. They apply a specific tape to the package afterwards to show they opened it and inspected the contents. I've yet to see any package Pitney-Bowes has opened to inspect.
Thanks God they never opened one. ;)
Thanks God they never opened one. ;)
Are you saying this might happen if they did ?