Kev's Animated Series WIP (pic Heavy)


New Member
Well I have been sharing my work on the other forums and I thought I would also post here some of the pics of my work in progress.
I started working on the Star Wars animated armor over the past summer as well as the Standard Animated Clone Helmets. I recently have started on the ARF Trooper Helmet or also known as Recon Scout or Camo Scout.

The Animated Series Helmet and Armor is 100% HAND sculpted.

I will show the process work I've done on the Helmet for now and the work on the armor later...

I wanted to try a different approach on the helmet, by creating a cardboard skeleton frame first.





Well, I have always liked working with the 8 inch cubes of Green Styrofoam that can be found at Walmart or Joann's. It's cheap (about $8.00 each) and it is very quick and easy to work with. Yes it makes a mess but that is ok by me.

So here is some more pics of my work.
This is all hand sculpted with various hand files.



Ok here are some more pics...
I coated the foam with TC808. Might not be the best thing to use (a little pricey) and it eats away at the foam a bit, but it works for me.


I realized that the visor space near the nose was too close....




It's a lot of work but that's the fun of it. Making something completely by hand. I'm even doing all the sanding by hand.

More pics on the way...
Kevin W.
Here is a picture of the parts of the Animated Series Armor I have been working on and what it looked liked last month. I'll be posting new pics soon.


But as I said in the first post I am currently focused on the ARF /Animated Scout Helmet. So Here are some WIP pics of it...
I will be making the Visor-Ring as a separate piece that will slide down over the dome and rest in place, around the upper sides and will be supported in the middle.

I took the liberty to come up with my own idea behind the area where the Visor meets the Ring. I decided to make a long rectangle vent on each upper side of the helmet to help stay cool.

This is just a few weeks of work so far. I hope to knock this one out pretty fast.






I love working with the green foam... It's cheap and it take shape fast.
I increased the width of the middle ring and brought the ends forward. I also did a little work on the face but not much.





Some wip pics of the Visor/Ring.






This will become the prototype master. I will make a fast silicone mold and rotocast the Full Visor to see how well it will fit.
If all my geometry is correct this should fit fine.








Because I am working with limited detail images it makes this project that much more exciting and challenging to try to figure out.

Thanks For looking more wip pics coming soon.
Kevin W.
Those are coming along very nicely. How do you like working with corregated cardboard? Is it easy to work with?
Damn, awesome thread. I LOVE to see from scratch builds, or builds from the very ground up like this. True artistry!
That is great, you make it look kind of easy ( when I know it's not) . I am very impressed and look forward to seeing this thread progress.
Wow, this is some seriously amazing work you're doing! You make it look so easy.

A few questions:

How do you work out the templare slicese, what exactly is TC808, are files all you use to shape the foam, and what kind of glue are you using to bond the carboard pieces?
Those are coming along very nicely. How do you like working with corregated cardboard? Is it easy to work with?

Thanks... Well I use the corrugated cardboard because it is easily available to me. I like that I can drop some glue down in between to harden the edges.
Wow, this is some seriously amazing work you're doing! You make it look so easy.

A few questions:

How do you work out the templare slicese, what exactly is TC808, are files all you use to shape the foam, and what kind of glue are you using to bond the carboard pieces?

I have been sculpting for years. A few measurements is all I need to scale it and determine where I want to add the slices. It's all done by hand.

TC808 is a rigid urethane. Yes all I use is standard handfiles to shape the foam. I am using Gorilla Glue to bond it together. I also use CA glue.
I wanted the edge wall thickness to be easily identified, so I cut out the first layer of the cardboard. Then added Bondo and sanded that. Then added Evercoat (blue) all over to fill in all the small scratched. On top will become the pour spout. The Full Visor/Ring Master is done and ready to start the mold process tomorrow.






This is some truely excellent sculpting from some simple beginnings! Just foam, cardboard, urethane and putty yields such superb results. I've not seen this green styrofoam before, but it seems to work well.
Agreed! Please tell me that isn't the green floral foam? If it is I suddenly feel inadequate. I only tried once to shape it but was finding green particles in my ears weeks later. How do you keep your work area so clean? Are you working under a vacuum? Awesome work.

