Just found this on the webs - Portal Gun Prop

that looks really well made! I played this game for as long as I could....got too hard for me, plus, got a little motion sick after awhile :barf:
Wow. Where did you find those photos, if you don't mind me asking? I'd love to make my own, possibly out of Pepakura or something.
Oh that is *very* nice. Good find!

There was a pepakura file for the portal gun, I have it, but not sure where I got it from though. It's a horrible file though, absolutely huge and nigh impossible to assemble due to the unfolding process. I'll see if I can find where I found it or rehost it.
I'm not familiar with the game, but that piece looks killer! Give it a blue paint job and it could almost pass as a Megaman cannon. :thumbsup
That's pretty darn sweet. The "making of" pix are cool too.
Is this guy a member here?