Jurassic World Paper Props

Colors are wrong, plants are wrong, names are wrong in orientation and probably fonts, missing the glow around the dino logo, back is made up.
Looking at the larger amount of pictures of the park the dock greeters,vendors, blue shirts, rangers and guides seem to have the green tags.
The dock personnel, security (park police), lab techs have blue
Concerning the different colors of badges attributed to staff it is difficult for the moment to emit any hypothesis without having seen the film, although it is based on the currently visible images more they are very small and of poor quality.

For the lab techs ( ex: Dr Henry WU ) ok the color is blue for other members staff...
very interesting pictures thank you for sharing, I still have to do the back.
I saw the film it appears that Bryce Dallas Howard is color badge (brown orange "Park Operations Manager") regarding the film after I am disappointed this is a mixture of the previous three inventivitees with no real effects special means and visible in 3D (but this is just my opinion)
As some of you might have seen, there is currently a promotional dinosaur attraction in London’s Waterloo station. I happened to be there yesterday and grabbed a few shots with my phone. The light was awful for photography, with very glary sun coming in through the roof. This is the main attraction:

There are a few stickers and markings on the crate. Each side has a vet logo and a warning about predatory livestock:

The stickers were printed aged, rather than that being applied afterwards.

The door on the front also has some stencilling about capacity etc:

An interesting note is that JW clearly marks its crates with the UK date format, 110615 would be the 11th of June 2015. You can also see the welding in that picture, they’re not even full beads – there is no wonder the raptors escaped!

The back of the crate has a big inGen logo on it to match the one on the doors:

The handlers were also handing out a leaflet which has a map of the station showing where the various things are, here it is (if anyone wants a better photo let me know, this was a quick shot with my phone):
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