Done / Completed Jurassic Park Shirts and Hats

paypal sent for my shirt in large size and the hat like the original jeffshat.jpg

with the shipping for a delivery in france
Nº de transaction unique 967746577F438033Y)
Last edited:
Alright guys. List for hats is now CLOSED.

I'll be ordering some extras for future but they'll be more. Thank you to everyone that got in on this run! :)

I'll continue taking shirt payments until the end of the week. At that point anyone who hasn't gotten back to me will lose their spot to the next in line!
First sample from the embroiderer. Justin is handling this part, there are a few tweaks needed but we're about 80% there.

Again, NOT THE FINAL PRODUCT, just posted as an update and for transparency of the process. :)

Also, would Ryan Leppert please contact me. You didn't leave your username with your payment. :)

Nevermind, was able to figure it out with the email address. :)

Alright guys, those who haven't responded to me about their shirts I'm moving on now. Sending PMs to those on the waiting list that there's a shirt available for. :thumbsup
Alright guys,

We got a second sample and we're going to go with this one. :)


It's hard to tell from the images here but there are some changes to how the embroidery dealt with the edges of the skeleton and text box.

Next step is to get these made! :D

Still hoping to have these to people for Christmas.
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