Judge Dredd - Screen Used Judge's Ammo Pouch


Sr Member
Hey All,

First post in the costuming forum!!!

Saw this on the propstore the other day, and had to have it, a screen used Judge's Ammo Pouch from Judge Dredd.

No up until a few months ago, i wasn't a JD fan. A good friend of mine, however is a massive fan. My friend did me a huge favour, so i went on a quest to find him a gift, and ended up buying a beautiful replica JD badge from Termight Replicas. (Wish now i had got two!!!). Friend was delighted, and it was at this point i started developing an interest in JD. So i watched the movie, and thought, geez what have i been missing out on.
Being a big prop collector, just couldn't resist this little purchase, for my new found love of JD.

