jonah hex trailer online

Re: jonas hex trailer online

That actually looks kinda cool. Although I will admit I never read the comics (though I'm intrigued by them, as I am by most stuff that Tim Truman drew/wrote for at one point).

That said, I HATE Megan Fox.

Side note: anyone catch that Matt LeBlanc (a.k.a. Joey from Friends) is an executive producer of this?
Compared to the comics...I think I'll wait for the DVD. The voice is a hollywood Cliche, I always imagined JH as having a deep From out of a tomb voice that would raise the hairs on the back of your neck, not Dirty Harry Meets The Dark Knight.
I like the look of Hex but I only know enough about him that I can only speak to the look of it... never read this comic since I always preferred superhero and scifi oriented comics growing up. I gotta wait and see on this one I think. Of course I've also read a lot of fan early screenings that have ripped it pretty hard and compared it to a cross between Constantine (not so bad IMHO) and Wild Wild West (very bad IMHO). I'm gonna try to keep an open mind though until I can check it out.
If you like sci-fi stuff, you can check out the Hex run from the mid-80s when (after Crisis on Infinite Earths) he got shot into the future.
I never read the comics from what I can recollect, but I'll definitely give it a look-see as a rental.
I have all the comics. Naturally. How could I not be at least curious? :p I think I prefer the late-'80s-to-early-'90s Vertigo miniserieseseses. "Two-Gun Mojo", "Riders of the Worm and Such", and so forth.

I always thought Sam Elliott or Richard Boone had the perfect voice(s) for Hex. I even had notions (still do, to be perfectly honest) of playing the part myself, since I AM a low baritone. And practiced reading the comics out loud. >_>

Too bad Megan Fox is in this. Maybe a matinee. Otherwise: Netflix. *sigh* Maybe in ten years I can take a whack at playing Hex in a new attempt at it. *chuckle*

It looks pretty cool.

And seriously? As a long term fan of the comic you're interest in viewing it is affected by an actress you're not a fan of?
More than "not a fan". But yes, my interest in seeing a movie has a lot to do with who's in it. I never saw Batman & Robin, mostly because of the casting choices (although the production design played a big role, too). And I like George Clooney. Just not as Batman. Ditto all the Clancey movies after Patriot Games. I love Harrison Ford, but he's not Jack Ryan for me.

That I'm even going to watch this at all with Megan Fox being in it is a testament to how much I love Hex.

Makes perfect sense to me. I can see how a film with a given character you love being played by a given actor/actress you can't stand or just don't like in the role could make you say "Hmm. Think I'll pass."

For those who dont' get it, think of it this way.

Imagine if they had cast, say, Edward Norton as Batman in Batman Begins. I love Edward Norton as an actor. But I think he'd be AWFUL as Batman. Even if he put on 40lbs of muscle, he'd still be weak. Even if the movie itself is still entertaining, the actors involved can still be wrong for the parts. And if you're a HUGE fan of somethnig, I can see not wanting to watch a version of the film that you don't go into with dramatically lowered expectations, or maybe that you even avoid altogether.

I still haven't seen Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and I likely never will, simply because I don't want to have to fit it in with my mental framework of the Indy universe. I can lull myself with the fiction that the film doesn't exist or count, because I've never seen it. Once I see it, though, I won't be able to unsee it. And that's not even due to casting.
I have not been the the movies in a while..But I may go to see this.Spagetti western on LSD anyone ?;):thumbsup
Jonah Hex don' have no super- whaddaya call -natural superpowers 'bout raisin' no dead to jaw wit' dem and whatnot. Might as well have that boy from-a da Matrix play a Limey wizard modelled on Sting.

Dat Megan Fox looks like you could bounce two-bits offa her hind-quarters, though.
I read some of the comics many years ago. Nothing of the recent stuff.
He looks not uglied up enough, too pretty.
I dunno. Looks like more of the same from Hollywood really, just slap another
label on it.
Well, aside from the whole blond/brown screwup (Hex is blond in the comics), I don't see Josh Brolin as being "too pretty." He's a fairly rugged looking character. I think you're referring more to the fact that his one eye isn't buggy enough, but that probably would've been WAY too expensive to do (IE: CGI a la Two-Face in The Dark Knight).

I think the mystical stuff may be influenced by what I've heard about the whole Riders of the Worm and Such storyline, which does involve a bit of the Cthulhu mythos, which is where you'd get your mystical business. Plus, it helps explain to an audience how Hex survives his scarring encounter (instead of it just basically being the opening sequence from The Outlaw Josey Wales...)
I totally get the Edward Norton thing, he's a little dude and would be very out of place playing Batman. But Megan Fox as a (EDIT: lady of the night) has GOT to be believable, right? :lol
man the mods are slipping on these spoiler tag thing. I got a slap on the wrist for not including one..LOL

Have you reported anything to the mods? We try not to actively "patrol" the boards so we don't seem overbearing and generally wait for a member to report a post/thread if they feel something is amiss.

Since you brought it up though, what specifically about this thread do you feel is a spoiler?