JayMay023's IronMan Projects


Active Member
So I finished the sculpt on my Iron Man Helmet, so the next logical step I figured was to do War Machine:



Still rough around the edges. I did some screen grabs this morning from the trailer and will try to make it more accurate. The helmet looks a lot bigger then the Iron Man one which means... more electronic goodies can be stuffed into it.

It would be fun to do the armor as well, put some airsoft weaponry into it.. and the Coup de grâce would be a Echo 1 gatling gun mounted to the shoulder. :love
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Re: War Machine Helmet - JAM

Added more detail to the sculpt. Here's how it looks now.

I'm liking this sculpt and the appearance more then iron man.

Still have lots more work to do, but i think its looking pretty close to what I anticipate war machine to look like!
War Machine Helmet Updates - JAM

More progress on the War Machine Helmet
here is the pic I'm working off:

Here is the current progress:


Side View

I shorted the "ears" on the face mask and made some other changes to make it apprear more like the movie/trailer version.

From some of the other pics I have it looks like there is a break in the back so that the helmet can be put on. The back is much smoother from what I can tell. There is only one "step" on the back as opposed to the three "steps" that are on the back of the iron man helmet. I still have some symmetry work to do especially around the ear area and just noticed now the brow line.. and of course a lot more smoothing out.

Re: War Machine Helmet - JAM

I think I finally got all the details worked out. It's looking better now I just have to smooth out and sharpen some of the lines.



I'm getting close to finishing the helmet and am mentally moving on to armor design and what I can throw into the armor.
The back of War Machine looks like a backpack to me.. In the fact that it looks like I could throw a whole crap load of electronics and goodies in it. First thought was a laptop, wired to a web cam and TV glasses (i've seen the discussion here I believe) I've got a spare JL Audio 8 inch subwoofer that might fit back there too.. (but not too close to the laptop..)
Maybe even a little energy generation by using the parts off a Hand Crank Flashlight (something like this http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=10972994 ) So that when you walk/bend your arms/knees.. it also gives that cool servo sound.

Just some Ideas.. I'm open to ideas, what do you think, members of this awesome forum, would be cool to throw into a War Machine Suit?
War Machine Helmet - Almost Done

Some more updates, almost done I just have to smooth it out some and then its ready to Urethaned..


Re: War Machine Helmet - JAM

Put the first couple of coats of Urethane Rubber on the helmet. Looks nice and shiny.


I'll be using Cab-o-Sil to thicken up the next few coats. I'm trying to get it at least a 1/4 inch thick. Then wait a few days for it to cure, then War Machine Helmety goodness. :lol
First War Machine Helmet Pull

Pulled my first War Machine helmet:).


Next I gotta cut out the eyes, the faceplate and mount the hinge system and start designing the center hinge for the faceplate movement.
Re: War Machine Helmet - JAM

Did some touch-up work on the helmet. Its wearable now.

I wear glasses and its big enough that I can wear my glasses inside ^_^
Re: War Machine Helmet - JAM

I wish I had your skill in sculpting!!! Great job! I am really looking forward to seeing how this turns out! :)
Re: War Machine Helmet - JAM

I've only picked up sculpting maybe a month ago. Just like anything else its practice. I still have alot of touch up to do on this helmet. I'm leaving the faceplate on for now, partially cause I'm scared to cut it off right now.
I'll probably start making another one tonight and cut the faceplate off that one.

My next project I started on is the armor. I have a large sheet of non-corrugated cardboard. The type that takes 3 passes with and exacto blade to cut through. My plan is to built the basic form of the suit then cover it in clay and sculpt the details in.
Re: War Machine Helmet - JAM

I started a new cast tonight and decided to start playing with colors...


Flat black base, the faceplate is krylon brushed aluminum, the helmet is flat black base and fogged metallic bronze.. Not too happy with the bronze. I'm gonna try and find a gun metal gray paint... Any suggestions?
Re: War Machine Helmet - JAM

I'd definitely go for a gunmetal. Very cool, I really like the shot in your avatar is that yours too?

I'm working on a war machine helmet as well for a friend, were you able to find any reference for the top and the back? I hate having to guess on a sculpt.
Re: War Machine Helmet - JAM

Thanks for all the comments, I'm trying to make this as accurate as possible with the reference material that i have. Most of my reference pics were taken from the trailer. The movie poster has the best angle showing the back. There is also a war machine toy that's coming out next month from I believe Diamond select toys and there are a few pics floating around for that.

Re: War Machine Helmet - JAM

dont stop, but dont stress.. Take your time perfecting what you got. You got a nice linage but the detail straightnes and surface needs a high a higher lever of touch up. Your on a good standing point to have a nice helmet looking fantastic. it is really up to you. Dont stress it.

Keep it up!:thumbsup
Re: War Machine Helmet - JAM

Thanks! I spent pretty much all day today working on straightening it out, alot of filling and sanding to get it to where it should be. This is the second item that I've ever molded/cast. So its definitely a learning process for me. My wife has a really good eye for symmetry, so when I get stuck she's a great help. :cool

I should have some pics tomorrow of the improvements I've made. Its looking a lot smoother now!:lol Thanks all for your comments!
Re: War Machine Helmet - JAM

Here are the touch up pics..
I've attached the rear part of the helmet with magnets. Still more detail work to be done on the left side and filling all the small divots and what not to make it more smooth. The "vents" on top need smoothing out as well.

I'm also working on the inside details, like where the faceplate sits on the jaw (so that it auto centers itself), the cheek guards and other details that will be evident when the face plate is open. The faceplate motorization is a little different then the IRON MAN one. It looks like the faceplate opening motion will have to pivot and rest horizontally. I'll try and post some pics to explain later.

Still pluggin away at this, sure and steady.