Jack Sparrow NEW Toy Compass


Sr Member
Here is link to a page of mine that has some Jack Sparrow compass photos towards the bottom (scroll down past Mal Pistols and you'll see them at the bottom of page)


The NEW toy available at Disney Store is there -- it is the dark brown one with red and blue compass dial -- it is labeled as NEW Disney Store toy and is shown opposite the MR version.

For a toy, it is great -- could easily be converted with MUCH LESS EFFORT than the previosuly released spinning compass toy version -- it is almost the EXACT same size as the MR -- the compass dial would have to be replaced with one that was less gaudy and printed on parchment type paper (which I believe is available on the internet via the paper-model version of compass) -- and then repainted, and you would have to add the ring-fob that holds the leather strap (there is no type of ring on back whatsoever).

I may convert this toy, but I will just as likely leave it as is -- I have built a wooden kit (also in picture) which is a bit larger than the MR, and I did a conversion of the spinning toy version, which was a lot of work for a model maker of my meager talents....had I seen this new toy version first, it would have been a LOT easier to modify -- mostly just a repaint, once the compass dial is replaced.

ANyways, I promised pics a few weeks back, and here they are.