I always thought the perfect choice (when he was younger) for Green Lantern Hal Jordan was Dennis Quaid - I can see him in the old headband with the sun symbol on his chest.
Circa Enemy Mine... I think I can agree with that.
I think this part may be even harder to cast than Superman. I think you can find a Reeve before you can find another Brando.
I say Jon Hamm for Jor-El.
So... the new Superman is still gonna be connected with the Donner movies?
Seeing how Singer couldnt move on from Brando the comparison people will make to the next actor up is Brando - and Greenwood cant hold a candle to Marlon in history, acting or sheer presence. Moving on means finding someone who can fill shoes - rush that and we end up with another ReturnsI sure hope they spend more time on Krypton. I recently read the Superman Returns novel and there was a ton a of backstory between Jor-El and Lara. I think it made you have more emotional investment in the characters feel more for them when Krypton was destroyed.
Yes Brando was great. But he's not here and it's time to move on. I think Greenwood can give the audience more emotional attachment. I would love to see at least 45 minutes focused on Krypton. Obviously there should be at least two or three moves to tell the story of Superman.