It's all part of the plan (Tumbler update)

This is the best fan made stuff I've ever seen. Mind blowing.

Just don't bring the Joker to the Make-A-Wish stuff. It'll scare the crap out of the kids and make them cry. He he.

-Jason M



steering linkage complete.
I got one brief, shaky vid up on youtube. I am one crappy photographer. but am trying to get better. am going to try to get some decent vid with 16mil digital camera.
Nothing really exciting going on with the interior yet. However this is my winter project, am going to start sculpting, and machining seats, so the interior will look like the interior shots you all have seen.

Just took this, this is probaly the best shot I have taken of this car to date:


This is more high-res. If you download this, on your computer, check it out in photoshop it really comes to life. Bob C. will have all new Joe Kerr pics coming tonight I hope.
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