Is this a Praco or Bosley?


Well-Known Member
I'm having trouble identifying if this is a Praco or Bosley. I don't see the red Bosley log anywhere.

  • Is the end cap is correct? I can't unscrew it off.
  • Also the mid I can't seem to get off either. I took off the screw and thing off on the other end that had a threaded post, but the black mid-band part won't slide off.
  • Can't see the brass screw that's suppose to be part of a Praco.
  • The only think I could see that made me think it was a Praco was the emitter part when I take out the bulb holder. I originally thought this was added on to make it look saberish. Didn't know it was part of the flash.
Any help in taking the thing apart or identifying if it's a Praco would be appreciated.



I'd say it's a Bolsey because it's backwards from the correct Praco.
I don't think Praco's have that mid bracket either.

I've taken apart several before.
I don't see it in the pics, but there should be a rivet holding the center bracket on. You need to remove the rivet head (Dremel would be best).I believe you can then push the rivet inside the flash and slide the bracket off.

Unscrew the big knurled piece in the top part and then unscrew the threaded post it was attached to (the post inside the flash is a smaller diameter so it only leaves a small hole - which is also seen on the Yoda saber prop).
As seen in this pic...

After that is removed the black shroud with slide off.
You will also need to remove the metal piece in that slot. It's just two pieces press fit together, but they're tight so it will take some pliers (the parts aren't needed so don't worry about damaging them).

The endcap looks pretty good although you'll need to remove the anodizing.
Thanks Chris, I've taken the knurled piece of and the post. And the phillips head screw off. Yet the black mid-band piece won't slide off.

Also there's three rivits on that center bracket thing. Not just one.
Thanks Chris, I've taken the knurled piece of and the post. And the phillips head screw off. Yet the black mid-band piece won't slide off.

Try turning it as you slide it off.
If you've removed all the metal pieces it'll come off - there's nothing hidden keeping it on.
it's a Bolsey. they made some like that for use in the Air Force. I've had a couple of 'em myself.