So, I am an avid reader of the Star Wars Legacy comics, and I was wondering if there is any interest here for Star Wars Legacy prop.
I was thinking maybe of doing a couple small runs over the summer of my interpretation of some key character props. A couple ideas that I have been bouncing around are
Kol's lightsaber
Cade's lightsaber
Legacy era Stormtrooper blaster
Imperial Knights lightsaber
A Darth Krayt/OWK dueling set. (In the comics, OWK's lighstaber looks sort of like a hybrid of his ROTS and ANH saber, so I thought it might be cool to make one as such.
If you have any other ideas, I'd like to hear them.
This is in no way a for sale thread or anything like that, just looking to poke around and see if there's any interest.
I was thinking maybe of doing a couple small runs over the summer of my interpretation of some key character props. A couple ideas that I have been bouncing around are
Kol's lightsaber
Cade's lightsaber
Legacy era Stormtrooper blaster
Imperial Knights lightsaber
A Darth Krayt/OWK dueling set. (In the comics, OWK's lighstaber looks sort of like a hybrid of his ROTS and ANH saber, so I thought it might be cool to make one as such.
If you have any other ideas, I'd like to hear them.
This is in no way a for sale thread or anything like that, just looking to poke around and see if there's any interest.