IronMan Foam


New Member
Hi Guys i saw some iron man foam build and thats inspired me so i was looking for templates to do it and i can't find nothing about ...

on my search i found only the Front of the Chest By Vagabond.

can any one post the entire suit templates??? Thanks Alot!!!

And Im sorry for the bad English.
Hey dusk,

There are no templates. Some people freehand there stuff.

For my foam suit and my newest EVA foam rubber suit I have taken the pep files by ROBO and modified them for foam use... I re-unfolded them to have larger shapes, removed the tabs and use my imagination. Anyone can do it. You just need time and to be patient. It won't happen over night.

Look at ROBO's thread for all the Mark 4 and 6 files that you can rework for foam application.
i understand but i dont know how to reunfold =/

i was looking for files like Vagabond did on pepakura with larger pieces
I think he means when you join smaller parts together so that they make bigger partsgo to the layout frame and right click and go to join dis join