Iron man mk4 (wip) fingaz mk1 helmet done,MK6 Almost


Active Member

hi all
stumbled across this place while surfing in dec 2010,and was amazed at the talent,in fact blown away.
anyhow i got a bee in my bonnet and decided to have a go.
after telling the other half and a few mates i was gonna build iron man and getting a few odd looks:lol i was commited.
so armed with robo's files and a sense of madness
here's where i am












it may be a slow old build but i'll get there in the end lol
at least all the peps out of the way,younger bro was a great help he cut half of them,(mind numbing)
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Re: iron man mk4 (wip) fingaz

this is looking great i hope mine comes out as good as yours. and yeah my mates and work mate thought that i was weird but now after showing them a couple pics some of them are going to start doing it them selves. keep up the great work....
Re: iron man mk4 (wip) fingaz're good. :eek

very impressive...

Looks pretty darn good. :thumbsup

thanks chaps,its looking at your work what inspired me.
i thought i fancy a go at that mmmmmmmm little did i know what i was letting myself in for,(21 yrs in car body repairs i should have done)lol
although creating something from nothing is giving me a good bloody buzz.:)
this is a first build for me,(n probably a last):lol time consuming lol

this is looking great i hope mine comes out as good as yours. and yeah my mates and work mate thought that i was weird but now after showing them a couple pics some of them are going to start doing it them selves. keep up the great work....

thanks,the missus just looked at me an said,
"youre 44 what do you want to dress up as bloody iron man for?"
building robo's files as standard for 5'9 to 6'2 sizing im gonna av to lose a bit ere n there as im only 5'7.
cant see any of mates avin a go they aint got the patience

dude that is sweet. what material is that?

210 gsm card
fast dry tacky glue

poly resin
fibreglass matting
snocal mixed with resin on outside for a bit of body,makes resin go a bit further after first initial coat of resin

upol easy sand filler
dolphin glaze self levelling filler (great stuff)
80,180,320 grit papers

n finally
just a little patience:lol

well its 9.10 here in uk now a sunny day so out in the yard n maybe a litle update later
Re: iron man mk4 (wip) fingaz (calve update)

after a day in the sun progress made,
traffic cones make great stands :lol

bit more flatting to do after a guide coat (dust coat)of matt black to get rid of the low spots and also to define the contours on the primered calve,n still a bit more shaping to do on the filled one
Re: iron man mk4 (wip) fingaz

Man I could use your'e help! We could knock out 10 suits together..Lol Great stuff man! Your'e alot better than me with bondo. Can't wait fore more. Keep Building!....
Re: iron man mk4 (wip) fingaz

Surreal Studios
Looking great nice and clean!

thanks kagn

Man I could use your'e help! We could knock out 10 suits together..Lol Great stuff man! Your'e alot better than me with bondo. Can't wait fore more. Keep Building!....

thanks delray,you do a great job yourself mate.
when it comes to filling (bondoing) it tends to be a case of grit your teeth n get on with it(most days being a body repairer/paint sprayer)
90% i do by hand with a good solid block and i find soft sanders a great help (contoured flexible sanding blocks) although just wrap sanding discs round them,as the adhesive sandpaper can be pricey.
Re: iron man mk4 (wip) fingaz

Fingaz, thanks for the tip! I'm gonna pick up a kit tonite. :thumbsupKeep Building!....
Re: iron man mk4 (wip) fingaz

Sweet lines on your smoothed out parts, I'm also an ex-mechanic with a couple of years body work to fall back on and even I don't think I'll get mine looking that good :D You don't live in the UK do you?
Re: iron man mk4 (wip) fingaz

damn fine work there!

missed you jedi thanks mate

Wow. I've always admired those who take on Iron Man suits!

thanks,but ive a great admiration for all work carried out by members of this forum,the talent,artistic flair,initiative blows me away:thumbsup

Fingaz, thanks for the tip! I'm gonna pick up a kit tonite. :thumbsupKeep Building!....

more than welcome delray,let me know how you go on with them.
filled n smoothed a bit of the other calf out tonite,leaving that for min though.resined n glassed the thigh gonna get a leg complete.

Sweet lines on your smoothed out parts, I'm also an ex-mechanic with a couple of years body work to fall back on and even I don't think I'll get mine looking that good :D You don't live in the UK do you?

cheers cyberpaddy,you shouldnt have a problem if youve a couple of years of bodywork behind you.
im finding it has the brain working alittle harder than it does repairing a car (enjoying it)
im not meticulous,throw the filler on initially sand with 80 grit to get 90%of the shape using a matt black dust coat ,sand to one face leaving the dust coat to the other face you then be left with a definitive line,then dust it over again and sand the face not yet sanded creating the line again.
then a couple of light skims of filler or dolphin glaze self levelling on curves its bloody great good for edges/cutting lines in as well, 120 or 180 then a quick rub over with 320 always using a dust coat all the way,then prime n carry out final finishing/shaping.
im up in bradford w yorkshire,is cornwall full of vdubs yet?
Re: iron man mk4 (wip) fingaz

cheers cyberpaddy,you shouldnt have a problem if youve a couple of years of bodywork behind you.

Well it has been over twenty years since I did anything serious :wacko

im not meticulous,throw the filler on initially sand with 80 grit to get 90%of the shape using a matt black dust coat ,sand to one face leaving the dust coat to the other face you then be left with a definitive line,then dust it over again and sand the face not yet sanded creating the line again.
then a couple of light skims of filler or dolphin glaze self levelling on curves its bloody great good for edges/cutting lines in as well, 120 or 180 then a quick rub over with 320 always using a dust coat all the way,then prime n carry out final finishing/shaping.

Thanks for giving us the how to's it'll help a lot to bring my long forgotten filler talents back into play I'm sure :D

im up in bradford w yorkshire,is cornwall full of vdubs yet?

The Mrs's Parents live in Macclesfield so I occationally get up that far, been ages since I went to Whitby too so I feel a road trip coming on (when the fuel prices finally drop that is) in the near future.

Not as many Vdubs as you may think but there's already been two RTA's near us so far and it's only Easter, I can't wait for the Emmets to go home again :love:lol
Re: iron man mk4 (wip) fingaz

thigh now done,plenty of filler due to a bit of distortion but got there in end:) bit heavy though:lol
on with the foot next

cyberpaddy :my other half lived in goonavon